It comes and it goes.

This time five years ago I kissed my mum goodbye as she passed away.

Five whole years. Seems like an eternity as so much has happened since, yet it feels like yesterday as the gaping hole she left still feels so raw and empty.

I've so much to be grateful for, and I've many many years left to spend teaching my children all that she taught me.


Anonymous said…
Firstly congratulations on your gorgeous baby girl!! I haven't been on for a while mainly because the little one in my life demands so much of my time. Posts about your mum get me every time as I went through the same. I got pregnant shortly after my mum passed away and it's the hardest thing I've ever gone through. Its been nearly 2 years but still hurts like yesterday. Our babies keep us going! x
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thank you so much, you're right our babies do keep us going x

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