
Something changed when I moved to Hong Kong.

I just am so uninspired, by everything! I rarely find time to social network and find myself increasingly steering towards the 'social networking is for gimps' camp (the camp my husband belongs to). I rarely find myself online, and if I do manage to get online I am googling things like recipes for toddlers, or looking up directions (because getting lost is my forte), or chatting with my birth board mummies swapping notes about motherhood.

I feel like a huge shift has happened in my life since we moved here. I feel like a different person entirely to be honest.

I had such vision for this blog when I had William. I thought I could become some amazing fabulous lifestyle blogger like A Cup Of Jo and share inspiration and musings on life. 

Without coming across as sounding too negative, I know where the change has happened, and I embrace that change. I think what I am trying to explain is that my life is different here.  I am a full time Mummy living in a new country and my time is filled with entertaining William, and making friends - making amazing new friends.

I am rarely at home sitting on my arse. I am generally at someone elses home sitting on me arse, sipping tea and noshing an ample amount of chocolate club biscuits!

It's a very social lifestyle, a very active lifestyle, and I am hugely grateful to Mr O for enabling me to be the stay at home Mummy I always dreamed of being. I have writing responsibilites elsewhere and find myself struggling to keep on top of them too, life for me is just all about William now, and of adjusting to living in the bubble of Discovery Bay. I am feeling more and more at home as each day passes, I am finding my feet again in the kitchen (because I even lost my cooking mojo, I blame the lame Hong Kong supermarkets and the stupidly expensive items - I paid a fiver for a small lump of Mozzarella today, five pounds people!) 

I suppose I feel rather boring really.


Anonymous said…
Can I slap you please?

Just because you don't have time for social networking does not make you boring. You have different priorities in life. Wrapped up in a gorgeous little baby package and a killer social life... embrace it.

Do what makes you and your family happy even if that means sitting with your friends eating biscuits instead of writing.

Maybe it's just that blogging once played a part of your life, but now you have no need for it? If this is the case, let it go.

If you still feel the need or want to blog, but are feeling particularly uninspired, then maybe give yourself a focus or goal and work towards it?

Maybe you should make time in your new whirlwind lifestyle to finally have that Skype date with me? ;-)


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