Having time.

Mr O is working hard in his new job, earning brownie points, getting to know his colleagues Terence and Betty, and I seem to have time on my hands. 

Actual time.

For the first time in ages.

I don't really know what to do with myself, we live in serviced apartments, glorious serviced apartments where they come every day to make up the room, they even do my washing up (if I am lazy enough to leave some). I've left a big pile of ironing on the table, with the ironing board, hoping they'll get my not so subtle hint. So far the pile remains.

William has adjusted to being here like a dream. He's in bed before 7pm most nights, so this leaves me with an entire evening to feed my blog addiction, to write, to plan, and to read. And drink wine. Oh my god the wine......

I can read books

I can get the boat past Matts office (the tallest building)

I can faff with my hair

And write letters to people!

I absolutely am in love with life in Hong Kong.


naomi said…
I am so jealous.

I'm the one doing all the hard work & brownie point scoring here in Australia. Although I have something planned for the sidelines which in future will hopefully help me improve my work/life balance.

Oh and Paulo Coelho... I just finished The Alchemist. A.Mazing! Are the rest of his books as good?

Jen Loves Joy said…
Your time for having time will come Naomi, hard work always pays off - you're doing so well but a work/life balance is important. The Alchemist is amazing isn't it? It left me asking questions and pondering the meaning of life.

He's my favourite author, Eleven Minutes was one of his best (in my opinion) it's about a prostitute. Brida is another good one, I read that on my honeymoon it had me gripped! It's about a witch searching for her true calling and soul mate. Let me know what you thought when you've read them. Will tweet you in a mo xx

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