Cat on a plane.

Molly is being collected today by the airpets people. I'm a little nervous for her, she has to go into boarding kennels at Heathrow until Monday night - she flies then and lands on Tuesday where she has to go into further boarding kennels for a month because the apartment we're staying in doesn't allow pets. 

It's strange, I'm not at all worried about the fact we're all moving abroad but for little Molly I am nervous. 

Hopefully she'll travel well and settle in quickly.

Gonna miss her.


Hannah said…
ohh this would break my heart! you are so brave taking her with you. Good luck Molly! good luck you x
Jo said…
I have been following your blog for a while now and have loved reading all about your pregnancy and life with William.
I got married in 2009 and followed all your post in RMW, this was how I found your blog.
Anyway I just wanted to leave you a quick note to say I hope your little cat arrived safely.
I work for Airpets (on maternity leave at the moment) and got very excited when I saw your post about them.
Everyone who works there is lovely so your little puss is in safe hands.
Good luck with everything in HG, look forward to hearing all about the new chapter in your life. x
Jen Loves Joy said…
Hannah I couldn't bare to leave her, we went to visit her yesterday at the cattery - she's totally over the plane journey already :o)

Jo, what a lovely comment, thank you for following! How strange you worked for Airpets! I knew she was in safe hands. We've been dealing with Karen Landon, do you know here (or is it a ridiculously huge company??)

How old is your littlen?xx
Jo said…

No I don't know Karen. I think she may of started since I left in May.
It is a small company but I am sure a Karen has started recently.

My little one Gracie is 15 weeks old. Lots of fun now. Hard work but so rewarding.
It has been great reading all your post about pregnancy and William as I could see what was coming up.
I loved your list of things you would tell yourself if you were to go through pregnancy again. This list was very helpful for me. x

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