Weight a minute.

I feel as though I have spent my whole life wishing my body were different. Even when I had dance training 3 times a week my body was only a size 12, a very toned size 12, I had a lovely figure and people used to tell me that all the time. It's clear the only way I am going to tone up and lose some inches is to get a grip on what I am eating, and exercise like a fiend. 

I am back in my pre pregnancy jeans though, something to feel quite pleased about! Ok so they don't hang off my hip bones like they used to...(clinging on for dear life more like!) but that's neither here nor there, they did up and I can walk in them - that's all that matters. Sitting down? Who needs to sit down with a 4 month old baby to look after anyway?

I have seen photo's of certain footballers wives in the news, stepping out 8 weeks after having a baby and looking like they haven't eaten for 27 days, and I do wonder about the sort of pressure on these women to do the celeb thing and snap back into shape 7 minutes after giving birth. Fair do's to them. If going down the gym means that much to you than fair do's. I can't imagine wanting to leave William for an hour to go to the gym when he was a newborn, heck I felt guilty enough for putting him in his cot and doing the washing up let alone going out and exercising. Clearly these women aren't breast feeding, because anyone who has breast fed knows what a ball and chain it is - leaving the house without your baby is impossible. I also think some women just don't gain weight during pregnancy. They don't gain weight, they don't feel unwell, they have an easy birth and they're back in their size 8 paige denim jeans a week after giving birth. I am beyond jealous of such genetics!

Then you have women like Pink, and Penny Lancaster. Normal looking Mummies.

Being pregnant is nothing short of a miracle. Growing your baby takes it's toll on your body, you carry that baby for almost 10 months, is it any wonder that it takes time for your body to return to something resembling it's former glory? A woman's body may never be the same after childbirth, but your heart never will be either, and that is the greatest gift! Not what you lose in terms of physical perfection, but what you gain in your heart.

I'm a woman blessed with the divine beauty of motherhood, I've decided that the best way to live my life is to not worry. I'm not going to worry about anything, I'm going to be sensible, eat well, and be the best, healthiest me I can be. And that decision makes me happy.


Kerry Tremble said…
Brilliant, I feel the same and what child wants a scraggly looking mummy with no figure anyways....?
Jen Loves Joy said…
Or nipples the size of dinner plates?? haha
Susan said…
spot on! x
Sarah B said…
Good point, well made, Mrs O!

Penny is looking fab in that photo (even though I did a nipple double take!), can't see Pink quite as well. Much nicer to see images like this.

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