Product love. Natural products.

I'm becoming increasingly aware of natural skin products, thanks to sensitive skin and breastfeeding I became more aware of what I was putting into and onto my body. 

I am also a great believer in the hype* surrounding designer face creams. 

My skin has never been better since having William. This is mostly because I can't afford to splash the cash on my Dermalogica and Clarins face creams, so what have I been using?


Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter.

At a shocking price of £2.49!

Made with only the purest ingredients, including vanilla, lavender and camomile, Waitrose baby is designed to protect and soothe a baby's delicate skin and hair. All products are free from parabens, SLSs, artificial fragrances and colours.

It's my new wonder product.

*seriously, why spend ££'s on fancy creams, they don't make you look younger, less spotty and more radiant - it's all b*llocks!


Gemma said…
I agree Jen, since having Edie May my skin has been the best I can ever remember it being, babies are amazing ;-)

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