20 Week Scan.
I feel too exhausted to blog, but so so happy! We had our scan today, and thankfully Baby O is perfect! It's been kicking me like a Russian Cossack dancer all week too.
We don't know what 'flavour' Baby O is though, having opted against finding out the gender... and I'm sort of pleased we didn't. The mystery of not knowing is wonderful! At this moment in time I am 50/50.... whereas a few weeks back I was convinced it was a girl. Now I keep referring to it as 'he' by accident - or perhaps deep down I know the gender? Who knows.
Mrs Oatham Senior bought baby some lovely baby bits - vests and what not. Gorgeous. I shed a few tears today, of relief that there are no complications mostly. And of happiness, I can't wait to meet my baby. I am so so looking forward to becoming a mother.
** I haven't posted any of my scan photo's online yet (least of all added it as my Facebook profile photo!) but I couldn't help myself. Had to share the beauty of this amazing bubba. How big are it's hands??!