A DIY knitted infinity scarf

This is a great scarf pattern for beginner knitters since not only is it easy/quick to knit with chunky wool and big needles, but it is also made with just two basic stitches: knit and purl.

If you have never knit a stitch in your life then head to YouTube and learn the basics, cast on, knit, purl, and cast off.

You will need:

* chunky wool
* 9mm/10mm knitting needles (I used 10mm)
* Scissors
* Darning needle
Gauge: Doesn’t really apply here. This scarf can be knit until you reach your desired length.
Cast on 30 stitches.
Row 1: Knit all stitches, but instead of wrapping yarn once around the needle like in a standard knit stitch, wrap yarn twice around the needle.
Row 2: You are now going to purl all stitches. When you start this purl row, it will look as if you have two stitches for every stitch you’ve knitted (this is because you wrapped the yarn around the needle twice in Row 1) but, it’s really just one big loop. Purl into the first loop and slide it and the other loop off the needle, repeat for entire row.

Continue repeating Row 1 and Row 2 until you reach desired length. I made my scarf long enough to wrap twice around my neck - approximately 44 inches long (approximately 100 rows).
Cast off. Use scissors to break yarn, leaving a long tail of approximately 20 inches for stitching together the two ends of your scarf.

To complete your infinity scarf, lie it on a flat surface and bring the two ends together (while still lying flat) so that they meet. Stitch the two ends together with your darning needle using the tail from your cast off edge.

Job done! I'm so proud of myself!


Unknown said…
I love this! xxx

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