
I am going to post this tonight, I thought about leaving it until morning to see if I feel different after some sleep, but this is how my mind is tonight so with my heart on my sleeve I'm going to publish it. 

Since becoming a Mother, I have started to see things differently. More importantly I am starting to understand my own Mother differently. She made some difficult decisions in her life, giving a child up for adoption being one of the most heart wrenchingly difficult decisions. Giving him up when he was 8 years old being the hardest part to understand.

I always loved my Mum, and respected her. She was who she was, and I adored her warts and all. I still do. I hope you won't judge my Mum for making these decisions, or think ill of her. Perhaps you should read my Tribute to her to gain a better vision of who she was.

I look at my baby son, and my heart stops beating at the very thought of not having him in my life. 

I literally can't breathe when I think about what my Mum must have gone through emotionally, putting her child into care and subsequently adopting him out of the family. (I won't mention names here, as I want to keep my half brother anonymous).

I went through my pregnancy experiencing panic attacks, which when we delved a little deeper realised they stemmed from my having lost her to cancer two years previously. I was pregnant, having just got married, and my Mum was all I could think about, and it was affecting me physically. This is what bottling things up does to me, it manifests itself in a physical form - I should have known better really but having just got married, and being pregnant I can honestly say it was the happiest time of my life, so experiencing anxiety issues was not something I had banked on having to deal with! So, I dealt with them the only way I know how, and that's through therapy. Speaking to someone who doesn't know me is the only way I can process things. Mr O was amazing, he always asks me if I need to talk about anything, I love him for understanding me and reading the signs, but I'm not so much an open book these days and I fear that off loading onto a loved one will not do them any good. So off I trotted to therapy, dealt with the issue,  and the panic attacks stopped. I understand my needs well, something I am actually quite proud of. I can see when I am starting to slip into a black mood, and I know how to help myself!

My Mum often believed it was the decisions she made in life that lead to her suffering with Multiple Sclerosis. She also believed that karma was responsible for having terminal lung and bone cancer. (nothing to do with the smoking then Mum?) Could it be possible that there is a connection with emotional trauma, and illness

Giving a child up for adoption is unimaginable. It's not all black and white, there is a story attached to how it happened, but that isn't for my blog. I cannot imagine how her heart ever recovered from making a decision like that. 

I cannot imagine how she would ever have forgiven herself.

And this is why I believe her turmoil manifested itself in illness.

She passed away when she was 61.

And this is hard to process. She should have walked me up the aisle when I married Mr O. 

She should have been there when I gave birth to William. 

I am trying to find some forgiveness within my heart, but I mostly feel anger. Perhaps I need to work a little harder on the forgiveness. Harbouring these feelings only worries me, how will they manifest themselves? I don't want to kick the bucket at 61. I want to see William get married, and have a family of his own, and be the sort of Nanny my Mum in Law is, as in always there, loving, generous, and more importantly, alive. 

Sometimes things are hard to comprehend, I love my Mum with every ounce of my being, I would give my right arm and more to have just five more minutes with her. But that's foolish, and will never happen.

So I just need to forgive her.


Tears, I have tears Jen.

You are such a great Mum. And such a brave lady.

That is all I need to say.
Sophie said…
That's a lovely post sweetie.

You're mum was brave and amazing and that reflects in what a wonderful mummy you are to gorgeous Willie.

Lots of love hun, writing that can't have been easy xxx
Gemma said…
Im with Charlotte...tears.
I adore your blog Jen - please promise you'll never stop writing you do it so well it would be a crime.

I often find myself looking at Edie May and wondering what there was before her and if it's possible to love anything more ever again. Motherhood is hard at times but by far the best thing I've ever done!

Big virtual cuddle

Jen Loves Joy said…
I am such an open book sometimes x
Esme said…
Mothers are strange and incredible creatures - as I'm sure you well know. You should just remember her love for you and your love for her, you can never fully understand what she went through.

Keep writing, though. This post really touched me x
Romina said…
Hello, I'm quite new to your blog and have followed your journey on the lovely RMW.....hence my visit here! Your story really resonates with me and I'm sat here in floods of tears. I lost my mum 4 months ago now to lung cancer. She had been feeling unwell and undergoing tests but passed away before ever knowing the results. In a way, we and her were spared the months of agony she would have gone through had we known. It was advanced and had already spread to other vital organs. My amazing mum was only 63 and I feel like she was stolen too soon from us all. Just after my mum passed away I found out I was expecting, I'm now 17 weeks pregnant and this would have been her first grandchild. I'm on a complete emotional roller coaster and wish so desperately she was here to share my pregnancy with me. I guess what I'm trying to say is thank you for sharing your story. It really helps to know that others have gone through something so similar! xx
Jen Loves Joy said…
Romina, your comment just had me in bits! Life can be so bittersweet, know that your Mums energy surrounds you - time really does help you heal and having William made my heart feel whole again, I hope you find this too when you have your littlen. Please keep in touch I would love to hear how you are getting on, my email is

Big hug xx

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