Hong Kong, in reflection.

We've been back from Hong Kong 9 months now, and i've done an awful lot of reflecting upon the time we spent living there.

For the most part, when I am asked how I found life in Hong Kong, my reply is honest, and that is that it was generally quite a challenge! It was an amazing experience though. I became friends with some wonderful women. I learnt how to cook. I gave birth to my daughter. I learnt about marriage. And I got to experience life in Asia.

Hong Kong will always remain very special to me. You're quite vulnerable when you relocate to foreign lands, especially when you are a new mother and life can be quite isolating and lonely. I learnt to use Williams charms as a means to meet people, he was a happiness magnet and people were drawn to us. Thankfully within weeks of living there I had met the people that would become my support network, and the generosity and kindness that was shown to me and my little family will always stay with me. I use that, and I pass it on to others, my little bit of spreading the joy.

Pollution aside, Hong Kong is a beautiful country. The urban landscape against the mountainous backdrop is breathtaking. The surrounding islands are a pleasure to visit and there is so much to see and do.

I think I found life in HK such a challenge because of various factors, homesickness, falling pregnant so quickly and having a difficult pregnancy, Mr O working long hours, and not being able to trust anyone with childcare. There were lots of other niggling annoyances about living where we lived, but in the most part it was a good experience, I learnt to look after myself and rely on my ability to make quick decisions. 

It's the people I miss, my Discovery Bay friends. I feel so blessed and lucky to have crossed paths with the people I met, life became richer for having them in my life!


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