Feeding Miss Lily Pie.

I've made it 16 weeks! Almost 4 months breast feeding. Quite an achievement indeed.

I didn't think I would make it six weeks let alone 16, and now I've come this far, and battled with a low supply there's no chance I am giving up now. I am a BFAR Mummy, (breast feeding after reduction surgery) for those who don't understand. This means my supply is compromised by surgery. I've learnt all the tricks of the trade so if there are any other bfar mums or mums to be reading this and you need some advice please drop me an email or a comment.

I top her up with formula or expressed breast milk during the day, an ounce or two is all she needs, and breast feed through the night and first thing in the morning. This is a healthy balance for all of us, as sitting with Lily on the boob all day wasn't conducive to a healthy, happy relationship with sweet William.

We have a happy balance now, I adore breast feeding Lily and am so proud of myself for getting this far (despite the immense pain in my scars).

She is chubbing up nicely and I feel proud of my gold top mummy milk. I'm not against formula feeding - I formula fed William before anyone leaves me a comment slating me for boasting about my breasts. This time round is totally different - I love feeding her, boob or bottle. It doesn't matter to me how she gets her nourishment, the fact she gets fed is my priority - the fact I have worked so hard to build my supply, and that she prefers to feed on me just gives me the pat on the back that I need! Yay for hard work and yay for milky boobies!


Anonymous said…
Well done, must be a great feeling! I have a four week old son & have been bf exclusively for three of those after he had to spend a short time in the special baby unit. It's been the hardest work, but seeing him put on more and more weight is so rewarding & it's so easy to just whip your boobies out!! I'm taking it a day at a time but hope I can make it to 6 months & planning on expressing & freezing. I haven't yet tried bf in public - any tips? Becca x

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