Breast feeding.

How can people find this obscene...?

It's the most natural thing in the world.

Here I am nursing Lily at 5 days old.


Anonymous said…
Well done for reaching 5 days, are you still going? I'm tandem feeding my 2 week old and my 2 year old and it's so amazing.
Unknown said…
It is such a beautiful sight. Unfortunately the lack of tolerance in our society is a massive factor in people stopping feeding still, it's no wonder that less than 26% of people get to six months :-(
Anonymous said…
Aw lovely. Well done you after giving up last time, i think it's harder when you have bottle fed before as its all new and you panic a lot lol. Breat fed babies are different and it settles down after a few weeks- its because they aren't full of milk - they just take what they need. How is W finding his little sister? It's hard for them when they are little. Lots of cuddles and books when feeding help . Just think about how her little gut is doing ebf it is such a fab achievement well done!
Anonymous said…
Exclusively breastfeeding is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a parent. Knowing that your body & your body alone is providing everything your tiny baby needs in perfect proportions is such an achievement. It is indeed beautiful & you will look back & be so proud that you avoided formula & done it all yourself. Well done Jen x
Anonymous said…
It is the most natural thing in the world. It's such a shame so many people stop for the tiniest of reasons :-( I'm tandem feeding my 20month old and my newborn and it's just wonderful. My husband works 7 days a week, all hours and I'd go stir crazy if it weren't for breastfeeding! Baby on the boob leaves me free to entertain the toddler and melt downs are easy to control with a bit of magic mumma milk ;-)

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