Learning about Boobs.

I am nesting. Massively. 

I have reorganised our whole apartment, moved Williams nursery around, moved our bedroom around and generally made the place welcoming for new Baby O. 

Part of nesting is building a support network around me too. I have started to go along to La Leche League breastfeeding support groups, which sounds a lot scarier than it actually is. I didn't see a single boob whilst I was there, disappointing stuff. 

I had a terrible time breast feeding William. Lack of knowledge and confidence meant I fell at the first hurdle, and then with renewed energy I relactated when he was 6 weeks old (having just moved house too) and got him back on the boob thanks to endless pumping, breast feeds, and supplementing myself with Domperidone. I am one of those women who has dreamt about breastfeeding since I used to play with my dollies when I was a little girl. My heart would sink whenever I saw a woman breast feeding her infant in public, because I would feel so envious of that fact she could do it, and I couldn't. 

This time round, this time will be different. I have found tons of resources to help me with my low milk supply issues (due to having had a breast uplift in 2008) and this website called Making More Milk has armed me with the knowledge and confidence I need to give it a better shot this time round. There is also the Breast Feeding After Reduction website (BFAR for short) which has been a god send, as I have been able to speak to women who have been frank and honest about their ability to achieve exclusive breast feeding. There's the Womanly Art of Breastfeeding book, which has taught me about newborn feeding patterns, latch and positioning, and enlightened me on how milk production, and boobs, actually work. And the rather contraversial Clare Byam Cook's dvd Breast Feeding Without Tears, and her book What to Expect when you're breastfeeding, and what to do if you can't .. Also learning about Biological Nurturing and Laid Back Nursing and forgetting what we have been taught over recent years about how to care for infants really gels with my parenting style. Having experience of painful nursing, and painful swollen scars, means I know what I am reading about and will hopefully be more aware of what I am doing wrong should I experience the same problems. 

I don't mind supplementing with formula, and giving bottles, as long as I am happy, and baby is happy, then we're onto a winner. Being able to exclusively breast feed, without bottles or formula is my goal though, even just for 4 months. 6 Months would be better, and if I make it to 12 months then I may ruddy well deserve a medal of some sort, but I think whats key here, is arming myself with support, knowledge, and having confidence. 

So I will be a baby wearing, breast feeding, cloth bum Mum! 

Wish me luck...!


Biggem said…
Jen, I salute you! I am hear for you aswell if you need any help / advice and i will always be ready to pay anyone who breastfeeds on the back.
Sian said…
Good luck! I'm hoping to breast feed, but scared by all the stories of how hard it is... xx

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