The blog has been rather lacking of late, I had a wonderful week having my best friend visit from Aus with her gorgeous little firecracker son then William became ill with bronchiolitis again. Acute bronchiolitis this time, he had it 4 months ago aswell and had to go on a nebuliser then (at home though) because his airways were so constricted he couldn't breathe properly. It's a viral thing. He always seems to get viral things.
This time we had to call an ambulance for him, and went to Princess Margaret Hospital with the blue flashing lights on. Quite an adventure for William, he had a chest X Ray and then was admitted to the ward for treatment. Poor little sod. Once he perked up he charmed the nurses with his high fiving abilities and once I had persuaded them I could treat him at home with the nebuliser we were free to go.
I don't really know how I will cope with the worry when I have two precious little beings to care for. Previous to his hospital visit I had a few sleepless nights trying to nurse him back to health, then of course when they get really bad you don't sleep whatsoever and the worry and concern is all consuming. It's even more exhausting being 6 months pregnant too. I don't really know how parents of constantly sick babies do it. I have a few friends with children who have a life long disease that require constant care, I think of these friends regularly, they never complain about their situation. I had one day in hospital and my nerves are in tatters, I really have nothing but complete respect for parents who deal with things like this every day.
Here he is, doing a good impression of a baby who appears to feel very well!
This time we had to call an ambulance for him, and went to Princess Margaret Hospital with the blue flashing lights on. Quite an adventure for William, he had a chest X Ray and then was admitted to the ward for treatment. Poor little sod. Once he perked up he charmed the nurses with his high fiving abilities and once I had persuaded them I could treat him at home with the nebuliser we were free to go.
I don't really know how I will cope with the worry when I have two precious little beings to care for. Previous to his hospital visit I had a few sleepless nights trying to nurse him back to health, then of course when they get really bad you don't sleep whatsoever and the worry and concern is all consuming. It's even more exhausting being 6 months pregnant too. I don't really know how parents of constantly sick babies do it. I have a few friends with children who have a life long disease that require constant care, I think of these friends regularly, they never complain about their situation. I had one day in hospital and my nerves are in tatters, I really have nothing but complete respect for parents who deal with things like this every day.
Here he is, doing a good impression of a baby who appears to feel very well!
He has such an awesome mummy x