What's yours...? Childhood Songs.

There's one album I put on to listen to LOUD if I need a bit of perking up, and it always puts a spring in my step. Queens Greatest Hits of course.

I had this on the other day and William loved it, dancing around in his nappy and nodding his head. It occurred to me that he was dancing to my most favourite song from my childhood.

What's the song that takes you back to your childhood days....?


Emma said…
Anything by Abba, propels me back to my childhood! And I still love it today.
Anything by Duran Duran (Mum) or U2 (Dad).

In fact... I'm off to listen to both now! xo
Sophie said…
Mine is also Queen but 'Don't stop me now'
Will remind me of my little old dad forever x
Charlotte said…
Mine any Meatloaf song, but mainly Bat out of Hell. Still playing it now for my 2 boys to listen too! x

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