What it means to be a Parent.

Sacrifice. That's what it means to be a Parent. 

You go without so your child can have, and you do this without even noticing! I look at my dwindling make up Kit - that I spent years and lots of my salary on building, and I notice the poor condition of my hair, and I think when was the last time I saw a hairdresser? Then I am distracted by William grabbing my hand and pointing to the front door and remember its time we take him to the park. I haven't worked full time in well over a year now, it's been a long time since I could just go out and buy something just because, well, because I could, but now I am a full time Mummy who's lucky enough to be able to stay at home and bring up the children, and I am rewarded by my son who is just so darn cute.  Then there's Mr O, who takes tuna sandwiches to work for lunch every single day whilst his colleagues gobble down expensive lunches, just so we can watch the pennies and get ourselves straight. 

Being creative. 

My Mum used to cut the ends off my shoes when I outgrew them, and put a plate of fresh bread and butter on the table to go with our meal to fill us up more. I find myself being just as resourceful as my Mum, making William a pair of shorts out of some trousers that aren't as long as they should be, my sewing skills aren't fantastic but does he mind? Of course not! 

Being frugal.

I've never boiled up a chicken carcass to make chicken soup before, i'm not sure why? It's flipping delicious and William can't get enough of Mummies home made chicken soup. 

I love being a Mummy and living life like this. After frittering away money without giving it a second thought I finally feel as though I am making Mum proud with how I have changed.

I am surrounded by Mums in HK who leave their babies with the Helper so they can go to the gym, or go for a mani/pedi, or a massage, or dress them head to toe in designer gear and I sometimes feel as though William and I stick out like a sore thumb (me with my bad hair, and William with his customised clothing). I didn't even realise that I am walking around with my vintage handbag held to it's strap with a massively obvious safety pin, a random chinese woman pointed to it in the supermarket and said it needed fixing! (they're a bit honest about pretty much everything out here!)

I probably don't stick out like a sore thumb, I probably just feel a little like I don't belong in this sort of living environment, I would like to live somewhere that isn't so money orientated. Does such a place exist? 


Unknown said…
jennifer your an insperation xx
Anonymous said…
Good question...

You know what? I don't know. I too am sick and tired of the world revolving around money. Perth is no different. People here have a lot of money and like to let everyone know that. There's nothing more off putting.

That's why I can't live here forever. That... and there's no Primark.

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