Pregnancy Essentials.

Just because you are pregnant doesn't mean the universe blesses you with that 'glow' or the lush shiny hair everyone speaks of. 

Pregnancy for me means being a little green around the gills, and having to make an increased effort to appear presentable!

Here are my pregnancy essentials, in fact these also fall in my post birth essentials too!

1. Batiste Dry Shampoo. For when hair really needs a wash but you are too exhausted to bother. Yes being pregnant with a 12 month old really is that tiring.

2. Waitrose Baby Bottom butter. For all over, it's made from olive oil and chamomile so is soothing and moisturising - great for bump and boobs!

3. Twinings lemon and ginger tea. This is all I can drink when the dreaded morning sickness cripples me.

4. Eylure last and brow tint. Tinting my brows and lashes means I can go barefaced with confidence.

5. Mac Studio Sculpt Concealer. A full coverage concealer, because the burst blood vessels around my eyes after throwing up aren't a good look.

6. Chupachups Lollies. Because sometimes all you want is a lolly. And because I like to say the word 'Chupachups'. 

If you've any more pregnancy essentials please let me know, I am always eager to try new potions and lotions!


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