Complications in pregnancy.

So I am 13+3 weeks pregnant today. It's been a tricky 13+3 weeks let me tell you.

I was hit with the same dreaded morning sickness/nausea I had with William at about 6 weeks. Just when my In Laws were visiting Hong Kong so we had no choice but to tell them, because I was struggling to function normally and felt bad that they had come all this way and all I wanted to do was sit with my head between my knees!

I've made no secret of the fact that I have been finding adjusting to living in HK a bit difficult. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, I love my William, and I am beyond grateful that I can be a full time Mummy without having to go out to work. If I had to work, we wouldn't be in Hong Kong, simples. So despite trying to relax and be happy, I have been feeling a little stressed out. William has been ill, and the worry associated with a sick baby is gut wrenching. You don't sleep, you don't eat, you just focus on your baby and making him better. 

Then I had a bleed. A scary bleed. 

It was my first ever moment in pregnancy when I realised how quickly it can all be over. I was scared and didn't sleep at all that night, I had to care for William and put him on his nebuliser every 4 hours so focusing on him got me through the night. Then the next morning we had to drag ourselves to the mainland hospital A&E with a sick baby (not ideal) and wait to be seen, I knew they were going to tell me it was all over. At 12 weeks pregnant just as I was looking forward to telling everyone how happy we were I kept thinking how glad I was that we didn't tell anyone. 

The scan showed a very strong heartbeat and a kicking baby, thank god. I have never been so relieved in my life. But why the bleeding? What was wrong?

I was admitted to hospital and told I have a Subchorionic Hematoma (SCH). The Chinese bedside manner isn't wonderful and so I was told I might have a miscarriage, because the hematoma is so large. 

Great. Just the reassurance one needs. 

After some tests, further scans, and an injection in my bum (so used to this from when I was carrying William) and 13 hours in hospital I just discharged myself and went home to my sick baby and my wonderful husband. 

It's scary, this pregnancy lark. Losing a baby isn't something any woman should be faced with, but it is natures Will, and something we women are all faced with at some point in our lives. It's that common. 

After a few more hospital visits, I finally received a little reassurance, that the hematoma will probably just reabsorb, and my pregnancy will be fine. I'm not focusing on the negative factors of SCH. 

That little nugget of golden sunlight has helped me feel a little less anxious, and a little more positive. 

Being placed on bed rest isn't an option with an 11 month old and no help. However we are working on that. 

So I am glad we can finally share the news of our little Monkey, I still feel apprehensive but hopeful that it will all be ok. 

If anyone has any experience of SCH please drop me a comment, it will do my anxiety levels good to hear some good happy endings!


Sian said…
Oh my goodness! First congratulations on your pregnancy. I hope the hematoma does reabsorb and all will be fine. Also hope William is feeling better soon
Sian xx
Awww Jenny, I hope you are ok and not stressing too much.

I am in the Middle East and the bedside manner here is not exactly warm and snuggly either!

I'm sure everything will be ok, I have no exp of SCH but I'm sure there will be lots of people out there who will be long to offer reassurance.

Lee-Anne said…
Congratulation on your pregnancy. Hope everything goes well for you.There is nothing worse than when everything isn't perfect during your pregnancy. I have to give myself an injection every day in my stomach to stop my blood from clotting too much and to be honest it took the fun out of being pregnant for me. Only 4 weeks left though so just counting down the days.

Take care

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