Cloth bumming.

I have tons of mummy friends who have all converted to 'fluff' and they now cloth bum their babies, doing away with disposables. 

No this doesn't mean pinning a terry towel onto your baby and soaking them in a bucket for hours, times have changed since those days!

From here

I have been having a look around at all the recommended cloth websites, Bum GeniusWee Notions and Fuzzibunz and of course, eBay, and am going to start collecting my stash of cloth! 

I'm still new to the idea of clothbumming, and haven't put into practice the theory yet, but it seems easy enough, you buy enough to keep you going and do a wash every couple of days. Most people have between 30 and 50 cloth nappies - mostly in part to it being so addictive. I mean look at the baby in the picture with a fluffy bum, how cute? It's expensive to start out, but if you consider that Williams nappies alone are costing me £60 a month, then when the new baby comes this will more than double because littlens go through so many more nappies, you're looking at possibly £200 a month on nappies alone. So spending £100 on fluffy cloth nappies, which keep you going for years, doesn't seem like such a hefty pay out does it?

From here

Environmentally it's better to use cloth, everyone knows that. Yes you have to wash them, which uses energy and water, but if you have more than one child your washing machine is on every single day regardless of having to wash nappies. And you don't have to tumble try them, they dry quickly and easily outside, and the sunshine helps remove the stains too. 

I will probably start cloth bumming the new baby after 3 weeks, so I can focus on breast feeding without the hassle of getting to grips with a new way of diapering. Then I will use cloth during the day, and sposies at night time, then as time goes on and my stash increases I will use fluff full time! 

The prospect of having some spare cash each month is appealing too, nappies are so much more expensive here! Having two in nappies doesn't bother me, and once I'm in the routine of washing, drying, and stuffing the  inserts into the cloth we'll be helping to save the planet! (Well, in my mind we will be anyway!)


I'm a recent convert to cloth nappies and I'm singing their praises! I blogged about my experient with a few different brands here

I decided Itti Bitti tuttos were my favourites. They're lovely and veelcy on the outer and you can adapt the absorbency. For me it was more about the idea of all those nappies going into landfill that persuaded me. But they had to be convenient as well, there's too much else to worry about with a little one!

Be warned though - they are addictive!

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