Big boy dinners.

I remember weaning be a bit of a scary business. I'd read a free Gina Ford book with my pregnancy magazine, and she literally scared the bejesus out of me with her meal plan suggestions. 

Then my Sister in law suggested I use Annabel Karmel, which I promptly bought and started feverishly steaming carrots and sweet potatoes and pears for William to try. Before I knew it I had a freezer full of purees, and eventually a baby who opened his mouth for the spoon so he could gobble down my offerings. 

She suggests you try baby rice amongst the list of First Tastes (first tastes are things like pureed pear, carrot, sweet potatoe, simple tastes). Then you move onto letting him try pretty much everything, in a puree form of course. William never liked baby rice, I used to mix it with his pureed pear and he'd have me sussed and spit it out. The boy wanted proper food, none of this bland baby nonsense. 

I started weaning at 5 and a half months officially, and by 6 months he was on a good 2 - 3 meals a day, enjoying weetabix for breakfast, and vegetables for his lunch and dinner. By 7 months he was eating cheese sandwiches and yummy pancakes and cucumber with houmus. I moved through the weaning process very quickly because I didn't want him stuck eating purees. Fortunately for me, William is a good eater and always has been. I maintain this is genetic, I was a big baby who loved my food too. Clearly William takes after his Mummy!

**yes I am aware the poor boy has a pink dinner plate, it's all they had left in the shop!


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