How to be Glam (ish) with a baby.

Wasn't sure how to approach this post without sounding like a L'oreal advert (because I'm worth it...)

And something my hubband said to me tonight made me realise how to evolve my blog to reflect my current stage in life. 

So I have decided to post about motherhood on a regular basis. Because people have commented before on various things that have left me feeling rather good about myself, these comments have been things like;

'How on earth do you get your hair to look so good, and how on earth do you get time to faff with it?' Well as you all know I wear extensions, so I do my hair before I go to bed. Sounds stupid, because I am going to sleep on it and get it all messy - yes exactly! I love messy hair and enjoy wearing the 'just got out of bed hair'. I shower at night and give it a good wash, then if I have plans to go out the following day i'll blow dry it and curl it with my GHD's, so all I have to do in the morning is run my fingers through it and whack on a bit of hairspray! I wouldn't say my hair is great, it needs a good cut and is well over due highlights as I look brassy and dry!

'You are so lucky to have a baby that sleep through the night, tell me, what IS your secret???' (There is no secret, he was just born that way, and yes I am extremely lucky).

'How do you cope with having such a sicky baby, I am running out of clothes!' (This is simple, I tried endless milks, feeding strategies, clothing rotation, turns out the best way to cope with a baby that pukes ALL the time is to stay home with no clothes on - ok so not a practical answer but one that works!) He has grown out of his puking now he is weaned. Thank fook.

'How do you get time to put make up on?' This is also simple, multi task! I have been known to be having a wee, with William in his walker next to me playing with a toothbrush whilst applying concealer. It's a task only a woman should partake!

Now you all know my secrets to trying to look half decent. 


Anonymous said…
Lets be honest here Jenny. You are one hot mama.

And I love that you still take time to look after yourself with William in tow.

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