All of a sudden.

All of a sudden my baby seems more like a toddler than ever before. How is that possible at only 9 months old?

I love watching him learn new things, like dipping his spoon in his yogurt pot and feeding himself, he's so proud of himself for doing that! And he waves so vigourously I think his arm must ache with all the effort but still, he waves and waves some more!

He's such an affectionate little boy, when he comes into bed with us first thing in the morning, in between climbing up the headboard he bends down and gives me lots of kisses, despite my morning camel breath, it must be love!

I have no idea what I was like as a baby, whether I slept through the night, threw up all the time, or cried a lot, and I wish I did because all I see in William is his Daddy, I don't really see much of myself in him physically (apart from his ginormous baby thighs of course!) But then he has so much character, he is quite bold and confident, and I think he might get that from me? His boldness is hilarious - I've lost count of the amount of babies he's forced to tears with his friendly questions of "DADDADADDDAD DADA??!!" 

I absolutely cannot say this enough, but I love being a Mummy to this big ball of affectionate energy. 


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