'I love you, but I'd love you to be thinner....'

That my friends, is the content of a text message an ex boyfriend sent me a very long time ago.

An ex boyfriend who broke my heart by saying it, well, texting it. 

I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I received it. The looks of disgust coming from him whilst I would get changed said it all, I should have known really that he objected to my image. 

This was 8 years ago, and yes of course I am over it but the fact that someone whom I thought loved me, could say something so mean, still confuses me. 

My reaction was sadness. Then I became very self conscious. And I starved myself and started walking the 45 min journey to work and back every day. I stopped going out drinking with my friends because I was worried about bumping into him, and I started to loathe what I saw in the mirror.

The power his comment had over me just crippled me. Was I really that disgusting? I started wearing more make up, slapping it on with a trowel in the hopes that maybe I could make myself look pretty, so people wouldn't look at my body, just my face. I look back at the photo's and I jokingly say to my friends 'that was my man in drag phase' because I looked just that, like a bloody man, in drag. A thin man though.

What drives someone to say something so mean to another? I don't for a moment think he really understood the impact of what he had done. Or how he knocked my confidence. Or broke my heart completely. 

Still - I hear he is going bald now. 

Karma's a bitch.


Sian said…
What an arse! x x
Naomi L said…
I actually almost choked on a pinenut when I read the title. What a complete and utter dick.

I'm actually glad he said it, it was obviously your get out clause and now look what you have!

I too have had a decent dose of assholes and they really do make you realise when a good thing comes along.

Eugh... prick.
Naomi L said…
I actually almost choked on a pinenut when I read the title. What a complete and utter dick.

I'm actually glad he said it, it was obviously your get out clause and now look what you have!

I too have had a decent dose of assholes and they really do make you realise when a good thing comes along.

Eugh... prick.
Anonymous said…
My husband has just told me to lose weight

I think I might divorce him.
Jen Loves Joy said…
Any man worth his salt will adore you for who you are and encourage you in the best way that works for you.

Only an asshole will make you feel like shit about yourself.

Never let anyone make you feel like shit x
Lindsey said…
Men are gits sometimes.
Anonymous said…
God I remember this!! What a cockerdy cock cock. I do have some fabulous photos of the exact 'phase' you're talking about. You still look beaut!!

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