Life in HK.
So we're living here in the city for a month at this rather nice serviced apartment, so we have a month to have a look round and find somewhere to set up home.
City living ain't easy with a baby, but it's surprising how quickly you can adjust. I wear him in the sling everywhere, and push the stroller empty - still having to lug it up and down stairs but it's easy this way.
It's about the same climate as it is in the UK when we left (ie; a bit warm for late September) so I am wearing the same clothes. We're waiting til Mr O gets paid before hitting the shops!
I'm cutting out sugar at the moment, and at the weekend I'm going to join the healthclub and put Wilfred into Daddy Day Care so I can do some much needed excercise.
We visited Stanley Beach yesterday, it was glorious, much like the Thai beaches! We had a yummy Pizza Express for lunch and I also went to visit my little Molly Bluebell, she's in a cattery called Furrballs, I haven't seen her for a week so I was chuffed to bits to see my little fluffy chufferbum again. She's been well looked after and the flight over hasn't seemed to have done much to her ego - she's still lording it over all the other cats!
Can't wait to see where we finally end up living, there's so much here it's going to be hard to choose!
City living ain't easy with a baby, but it's surprising how quickly you can adjust. I wear him in the sling everywhere, and push the stroller empty - still having to lug it up and down stairs but it's easy this way.
It's about the same climate as it is in the UK when we left (ie; a bit warm for late September) so I am wearing the same clothes. We're waiting til Mr O gets paid before hitting the shops!
I'm cutting out sugar at the moment, and at the weekend I'm going to join the healthclub and put Wilfred into Daddy Day Care so I can do some much needed excercise.
We visited Stanley Beach yesterday, it was glorious, much like the Thai beaches! We had a yummy Pizza Express for lunch and I also went to visit my little Molly Bluebell, she's in a cattery called Furrballs, I haven't seen her for a week so I was chuffed to bits to see my little fluffy chufferbum again. She's been well looked after and the flight over hasn't seemed to have done much to her ego - she's still lording it over all the other cats!
Can't wait to see where we finally end up living, there's so much here it's going to be hard to choose!