It's William Wednesday!
A whole day devoted to blogging about my boy. He is 7 months old now. Strewth!
He is the best thing since sliced bread. In fact he's better than sliced bread, he's better than anything in the world. As I write this he is sitting up in his cot, naked except his nappy, with his baby belly hanging over the top of his nappy making it roll down a little, and he is giving Sophie The Giraffe what for.
He's happy to sit and play with anything now. I say 'sit', what actually happens is I avert my gaze for a nano second and he is underneath the coffee table on the opposite side of the room, chewing on the telephone wire. Or chewing on one of Daddy O's shoes. Buy all the toys in the world, babies will always want to play with what they are not allowed to. I am sure Williams middle name should be 'The Danger'.
My boy and I shared a cream cheese sandwich the other day, he didn't know what the soft little triangle shaped things on his tray were, but he put them in his mouth, and he devoured them. He's always loved finger food and I was going to wait until 6 months to wean him, so I could go down the baby lead weaning route (thus avoiding puree's and mush and giving them to eat what you eat) but it wasn't practical what with the move/living with the in laws/moving abroad. Plus I love spoon feeding a baby. There's nothing cuter than a hungry baby sitting with his mouth open waiting to be fed! Also, it's a much tidier process. So I have been pureeing sweet potato, carrot, butternut squash, apple and cinnamon, pear and peach, blueberries and banana, avocado and banana, and now he loves the lumpier stuff like Salmon and courgette. He is a savage where fruit is concerned, he loves sticks of fresh watermelon and mango. He's cut back on his milk intake now, although he loves his bottles and happily feeds himself. Getting water in him is an issue, he just spits it out. So we gave him some fruit tea, and result! He loves the fruit tea. Mango and strawberry twinings is his favourite. I must be doing something right, he's outgrown all of his 6-9 month clothes and fits the 12 month clothes now, he's the average size of an asian 1 year old so people over here love that he is big, and blonde, with blue eyes.
Here's a vid of him puking on his foot. (nice)
His favourite thing to say is 'lalala dadada', he loves to sing and be vocal. I find I have conversations with him, in public too, and people look at me like I have two heads. Is it really unusual for people to speak to their babies then?? I engage William in pretty much every thought process that enters my brain, I sing to him (which he loves) although I don't do that in public.
Although perhaps I should, the Hong Kongese think nothing of walking down the street with their iPods on so bloody loud that they don't realise they are singing along rather badly! 'ME FOR YOU SUM FUN YUNG GUY.....'
He is the best thing since sliced bread. In fact he's better than sliced bread, he's better than anything in the world. As I write this he is sitting up in his cot, naked except his nappy, with his baby belly hanging over the top of his nappy making it roll down a little, and he is giving Sophie The Giraffe what for.
He's happy to sit and play with anything now. I say 'sit', what actually happens is I avert my gaze for a nano second and he is underneath the coffee table on the opposite side of the room, chewing on the telephone wire. Or chewing on one of Daddy O's shoes. Buy all the toys in the world, babies will always want to play with what they are not allowed to. I am sure Williams middle name should be 'The Danger'.
My boy and I shared a cream cheese sandwich the other day, he didn't know what the soft little triangle shaped things on his tray were, but he put them in his mouth, and he devoured them. He's always loved finger food and I was going to wait until 6 months to wean him, so I could go down the baby lead weaning route (thus avoiding puree's and mush and giving them to eat what you eat) but it wasn't practical what with the move/living with the in laws/moving abroad. Plus I love spoon feeding a baby. There's nothing cuter than a hungry baby sitting with his mouth open waiting to be fed! Also, it's a much tidier process. So I have been pureeing sweet potato, carrot, butternut squash, apple and cinnamon, pear and peach, blueberries and banana, avocado and banana, and now he loves the lumpier stuff like Salmon and courgette. He is a savage where fruit is concerned, he loves sticks of fresh watermelon and mango. He's cut back on his milk intake now, although he loves his bottles and happily feeds himself. Getting water in him is an issue, he just spits it out. So we gave him some fruit tea, and result! He loves the fruit tea. Mango and strawberry twinings is his favourite. I must be doing something right, he's outgrown all of his 6-9 month clothes and fits the 12 month clothes now, he's the average size of an asian 1 year old so people over here love that he is big, and blonde, with blue eyes.
Here's a vid of him puking on his foot. (nice)
His favourite thing to say is 'lalala dadada', he loves to sing and be vocal. I find I have conversations with him, in public too, and people look at me like I have two heads. Is it really unusual for people to speak to their babies then?? I engage William in pretty much every thought process that enters my brain, I sing to him (which he loves) although I don't do that in public.
Although perhaps I should, the Hong Kongese think nothing of walking down the street with their iPods on so bloody loud that they don't realise they are singing along rather badly! 'ME FOR YOU SUM FUN YUNG GUY.....'