What Jenny Did Next.....

I am beyond happy to (finally) announce that I am back writing for my lovely friends at Rock My Wedding!

It was inevitable that I would return, once William was old enough for me to commit to writing again. And that time has come. And I am honoured, thrilled, and happy to be back in the community again.

So, What Jenny Did Next is my next exciting project. 

Thank you all, for welcoming me back so warmly. I am so happy x

What Jenny Did Next……Came Right On Back.

August 31st, 2011 by Charlotte@rockmyweddingLeave a reply »
* All images by The Barbers
I am so excited to be back blogging for RMW, when the team asked if I would return my initial thought was ‘erm, we’re moving to Hong Kong, how will that work?’ before realising that it doesn’t matter where in the world I am, as long as I have my laptop and access to the web to satisfy my blog addiction! So here I am people! Back on the polka dot pages that saw me plan my wedding to Mr O, and fall pregnant with Baby O – otherwise known as William. It’s good to be back! For those of you who aren’t familiar with me, I (rather modestly) refer to myself as Rock My Weddings First Real Bride. I guest blogged from the very beginning of the RMW journey, after commenting on Charlottes wedding report on the YAYW forum. For some reason she liked the cut of my jib and asked me to join her, and the rest as they say is history!
So what have I been up to I hear you ponder? Well, motherhood is all encompassing. It’s all encompassing and the best job I have ever had. Life has changed for the better, my perfume is now Eau D Baby sick (can’t remember the last time I wore Chanel) and every day my heart feels it might just burst with love, and worry. Being a Mummy I find I worry about everything and always think of worst case scenarios – and no, I’m not talking about not being able to match his socks with his bib, I’m talking full on worst case scenarios like not being able to keep the poor boy alive! But every day I am faced with this beautiful boy who smiles at me all the time, and every day he grows and learns something new. I look at William and can safely say he is my biggest achievement (and I’m not just saying that because of the horrifically long induction – read my birth story if you are brave enough!). Are there any other pregnant brides to be here? If you need any tips on how to get up the aisle without upchucking, then drop me a line.
* image by Jon Mold
Six weeks after having Baby O we moved house, where we’ve been busy renovating getting it looking beautiful so we can rent it out whilst we’re abroad. So that’s get pregnant, get married, have baby, move house, AND move country all in the space of a year. Don’t do things by halves do we?
I have so much to blog about I don’t even know where to start, you all made me feel nothing short of wonderful and loved in your comments during What Jenny Did. You all helped me deal with the emotion, the highs, the lows, I was honestly blown away by your support. Which is why I am so honoured to be back!
My obsession with weddings hasn’t stopped just because I am a Mrs now. Oh no, being a bridal make up artist I still keep my finger on the pulse of what is bang on trend and whatnot, I still pour over the wedding blogs, and I always find myself mentally planning a wedding I will never have… because I’ve already been taken up the aisle (so to speak) and had the best day, no actually, one of the the best days of my life. The best day was obviously the day I met my blue eyed boy for the first time, and saw my husband become a father.
*Everybody loves William, being walked around the garden by Mr O’Shea, lots of love from Dani Barber…. all images by The Barbers
So that’s my update in a nutshell. I feel honoured to grace the RMW pages once more and cannot wait to bring you pieces of inspiration and tom foolery!
Enough about me, how are you all?
Jenny x
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  1. Jeanie says:
  2. Shooey says:
    Woooo welcome back Jenny (i hope this doesnt mean you will be stopping your own blog!)
    Ps – Charlotte, your James is a lovely bit of eye candy for a dull and gloomy Wednesday afternoon.
    Perhaps you should recreate the naked man and baby image from the 80′s wink wink!
  3. Yay!!!!!! Very glad you are back my lovely xxx
  4. Charlotte says:
    Yippeeee! She’s back!!
    Welcome back Jenny, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! I loved your original blog posts, and am really pleased to see you return to these lovely polka-dot pages.
    C xx
    PS – William looks good enough to eat!
  5. Emily says:
    Hellooooooo Jenny!
    And little William.
    (How my goodness – how cute is he!)
    Ermmm slightly unrelated I know, BUT … is that a bugaboo you have? I am thinking of getting one, but am not entirely sure. Hmmmmm. Any advice greatly appreciated.
    Not a random pram for myself obviously.
    That would be strange.
    For the impending Bambina.
  6. Gemma says:
    This is very exciting news! What Jenny did made me cry – so less of that and more of gorgeous babies too coo over please! xx
  7. Gemma says:
    This is very exciting news! What Jenny did made me cry – so less of that and more of gorgeous babies to coo over please! xx
  8. Lynsey B says:
    Jenny you are a BABE! So glad you’re back :D
  9. Linsey says:
    Ahh, good to see you back Mrs O xx
  10. Claire says:
    Yay!!!! Jenny was always my favourite!!! (no offence Charlotte and Adam…!)
    Welcome back :)
  11. Charlotte says:
    HOORAY! Having trawled through RMW I somehow found Jenny’s blog and have been pouring over it, so WHOOP for more – welcome back!
    Exciting stuff :-) xx
  12. Emma says:
    Welcome back Jenny! Reading Jenny’s posts were such an inspiration to me when I first started my W-day planning so it’s great that she’s back! :-)
  13. Emma says:
    Oh and I love the red hair by the way!
  14. Laura Babb says:
    I KNEW it.
    Welcome back, Jenny. xxx
  15. Roz says:
    Woop woop!! Welcome back Jenny :D I loves the red hair too!
    Looking forward to your posts and more pics of the gorgeous William too I hope?! xx
  16. Claire – none taken!
    …Look who’s all popular this afternoon….
    Welcome back Jenny, now pop your wine glass down and start writing your next post :)
  17. Celine says:
    Welcome back Jenny! Looking forward to the new blog posts!
    PS Good luck with the move
  18. Alex (84) says:
    Wow I am so excited! A make up artist too so tips a plenty I hope on flawless make-upery!
    I was late to the What Jenny Did party but ready every bit of it in one go and loved every minute! Then stumbled on your blog and read all that, which admittedly took a wee bit longer. Even got my sister reading it.
    I love love love your views and writing and cannot wait to hear more about the Hong Kong life!
    Your little boy is adorable!
    Lots of luck and excitment about future posts!
  19. Sarah B says:
    Jenny, will you still be writing your own blog? I love reading it and it’s nice to see you post so freely! Looking good as a red head, missus! x
    Sarah M
  20. Sophie says:
  21. Alex K says:
    Welcome back Jenny!! Can’t wait to read your blog posts!
    Loved what Jenny did, we share the same wedding photographer! It was her that put me onto this very blog.
    Good luck with the move, I love Hong Kong.
  22. Welcome back Jenny!
    Love the hair by the way.
    Looking forward to hearing more from you over here
    (although follow you on your blog: so I am sure to hear more about Hong Kong adventures!)
  23. Sarah says:
    Oh how exciting! Love the red hair Jenny Sx
  24. Bee says:
    Very excited! – love your hair Jenny x
  25. Emily says:
    How gorgeous is Baby O?! congratulations Jenny I was really sad when What Jenny Did was over and now you’re back hooray! XX
  26. Rachie says:
    YAY Jenny! Cant wait to read all about your Hong Kong adventure and baby William who is such a cutie!! xx
  27. How exciting, welcome back Jenny!! Now I really can’t wait to meet the other new team member, you’ve got off to such a good start :) xxx
  28. Lauren A says:
    I’m so excited about this! I’ve been a secret lurked on your blog Jenny, and I love it! Also (can’t believe I’m admitting this) I saw you in John Lewis once when you were pregnant and wanted to say hello, but felt it might be a bit weird! Stalker much?!
    Welcome back!
  29. Sarah says:
    Welcome back! Will look forward to some fab posts x
  30. Hello you gorgeous lot..
    It’s interesting Jenny coming back, I’m not entirely sure why we ever “let her go” in the first place to be honest. Right before Adam and I had even finished designing the RMW brand I knew Jenny had to be part of this in one way or another – her comments on my original wedding report used to make me laugh until I cried ;-)
    @Shooey – do you mean the Athena print?! ha ha ha ha – I used to have that on my wall when I was about 14!!
    Charlotte xxx
  31. Hallo! Wow what a warm welcome back, I feel like I could squidge you all against my ample bosom, and feed you home made apple crumble, I have missed you!
    The buggy is an iCandy Cherry travel system – car seat slots right onto the frame (dead handy). And despite having a boy the carrycot and stroller parts are PURPLE (you know me, love a bit of purple)
    Lauren you should have come and said hello, although I bet I was looking rather weary and tired so don’t blame you for giving me a wide berth!
    So many of you guessed I was coming back, it’s such a pleasant feeling this, I can’t explain it.
    I will still be ‘doing’ my own blog, as it’s turned into my autobiography over the years – and I am addicted to it, so I will still be pouring my heart out and blogging about relocating to foreign lands. Thank you so much everyone, I really feel welcome here, and I hope I keep you all very entertained – I have made some lovely friendships through this blogging malarky.
    I’ve been so excited about coming back, staying quiet about it has NOT been easy.
    Anyway, William is trying to eat my blackbetty so I’d better shedaddle
    woo blackbetty, now there’s a new one on me, I meant blackberry, obviously. I ramble.
    See you soon xxx
  32. Gemma says:
    That is all :)
  33. Ps. Charlotte you must jump your husbands bones soon and made some RMW babies. Please? You will both have beautiful bubbas, and look how cute James is with a buggy, naaaw
    Now, to marry off Adam…… ;)
  34. *make. not ‘made’. stoopid blackberry x
  35. Amanda Champness says:
    Jenny welcome back!!!
    Although I do think it is quite unfair quite how gorgeous you look especially with a little beautiful bundle of a boy in tow! And your hair…
    But if your going to share all you secrets of how you do it, then I might just let you of!!!!
  36. MrsJones_2011 says:
    Welcome back! Think you’ll be a fab re-addition to the pages :)
  37. @Jenny O – only you could come up with “Jump his bones to make RMW babies” … Lordy how I’ve missed your jib :-)
    Charlotte xxx
  38. MrsA-to-be says:
    Ha ha ha! Laughing already at the Mrs O/Mrs O banter. But really, Charlotte, James does look like a natural with that pram!
    Welcome back Jenny. I, like Alex84, joined RMW after ‘What Jenny did’, but have read them all (fantabulous), and am delighted to see back. Love the new hair colour, and am tres impressed by your imminent move to Honkers with a teeny bambino! Can’t wait to hear all about it.
  39. Aleena says:
    This news has just made me squeal with glee! Your wedding is my abso-bloomin-lutely favourite featured on RMW. I’m shamelessly nicking your “This candle burns” idea for my own nuptials in 17 days time and having read the Desiderata poem you used I’m planning on sharing it with my godchildren at their christenings early next year. Congratulations on the birth of Baby O, utterly adorable, good luck with the move to Hong Kong and hurrah that you’re back on, quite frankly, the best UK bridal blog there is!
  40. Lisa says:
    Jenny’s was the first post I read on RMW, I loved your wedding dress and have still not seen a Toni in real life boo!! And I have an iCandy Cherry too, I love it, it’s still going strong 2.5yrs later, if not covered in toddler chocolate and general grubbiness!
    Glad to see you back Jenny xxx
  41. Lisa says:
    ooh and off to read your birth story, I love a good gory birth story!! Congratulations on the birth of William, he is gorgeous x
  42. Sharon says:
    Yay! So pleased you’re back, and loving the red locks. So loved What jenny did, helped with my own wedding planning. Its soooooooooooooo luvvverly to have you back on these pages, mwah!
  43. Lizzie says:
    Well hello there you gorgeous red head!!!
    So happy your back, I cannot wait to read your posts lovely!
    P.S your baby is scrumptious!
    P.P.S I second the hurrying up of gorgeous future RMW babies! (please!)
  44. Fiona M says:
    Awesome news!! So happy to see you back Jenny. Your little boy is gorgeous and your life sounds like a realistic yet wonderful novel. Looking forward to reading your posts on here, but hurry up my big day is just two weeks away! Hehe. Xx
  45. Natasha says:
    I’m so happy, I loved following your wedding journey… can’t wait to read what you’ve got up your sleeve :)
    yippeeee cheered my wednesday right up x
  46. Beckie K says:
    Tis awesome news. A big round of applause for RMW…
  47. Francesca says:
    Welcome back Jenny O!
    I often wondered how you did, I remember reading your wedding report and I myself had just found out I was preggo and we had a baby boy in April. Congrats!!! I have no idea how you will possibly find the time to blog with a baby – I barely have enough time to wee at the moment.
    And loving the red hair :)
  48. Jenny says:
    Wohoo so glad you’re back Jenny! Excellent news! Can’t wait to read more from you, you’re writing is fantastic and hilarious! Good job on getting her back Charlotte and Adam!
    William is simply gorgeous, please can we have more pictures of him?
    Good luck with the move to HK O family, very exciting!
  49. Lottie says:
    Jenny I am so pleased to have you back on the blog! Have been following the Urban Boheme since you left RMW the first time round and I loved reading up on what you’ve been doing.
    Looks like there’s so much exciting stuff bubbling up with the RMW blog; thanks Charlotte and Adam.
    I can’t believe I still read RMW, over a year after getting married but it truly is such a fun and enjoyable blog to follow, I just haven’t found a blog I prefer!
    Keep up the fab work guys xxxx
  50. @Mrs A-to be Ha ha I hadn’t even thought of that – Mrs O and Mrs O!!
    I told James that today so far he should a) pose with a baby a la the Athena poster from the early 90′s and b) looks good with a pram.
    At first he laughed…then looked a teensy bit scared…
    Charlotte xxx
  51. Marlene says:
    Welcome back! (and William has to be one of the cutest babies ever! – I’m officially Broody!)
  52. I will probably share umpteen pics of William, it’s so hard to spend a day NOT taking photo’s of him! He is cute, but it’s not unusual for me to leave the house with sick between my bare toes in their gladiator sandals, and I have a bald patch on my head where he uses his death vice grip and won’t let go, I have swollen carpel tunnel inflamed wrists from lifting his giant self around for the last 5 months, and I feel rather frumpy most of the time….
    He laughs at me, and kisses me, and loves being cuddled and tickled, and babbles on non stop about god knows what. And I love it.
    He also loves his sleep, so we’ve been blessed with a decent nights sleep since he was 8 weeks old = not too shabby!
    I promise not all my posts will be about William…. I do need some ‘mummy’ time to perv over nice dresses and shoes :)
    Jen x


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