
Since having William 4 and a half months ago, I rarely get a moment to myself - which I don't mind too much because my sweet little boy is fun to have around (most of the time!)

I also have a bit more time on my hands since he has discovered his feet (and the tv, god how he loves the tv!) which means I am able to satisfy my blog reading addiction without feeling like I am neglecting my boy. I don't just read mummy blogs, I love a lifestyle blog and more than anything I love wedding blogs. Since I guest blogged for Rock My Wedding, and my wedding was over, I had a little rest from all things wedding (honestly if I saw another jam jar vase with flowers in I might have just had a break down!). I would check back perhaps once a day, instead of my usual 17 times a day, and I saw it gain momentum, gain readers, and go from strength to strength. Charlotte and Rebecca, RMW bloggers, held a very special place in my heart for letting me have a little corner of the blog to wear my heart on my sleeve, and fumble my way through planning my wedding. The feedback I gained from readers rendered me speechless on occasion. I found a lovely online community, and as much as I love writing my own personal blog - here on my boho pages, the comments I received in response to What Jenny Did made me feel certain that my writing, my opinion, and my taste, was actually not all that bad after all!

So as much as I hope I said this to Charlotte, Adam and Rebecca, Thank you. What Jenny Did was cathartic to write, and helped me come to terms with various wedding related issues, the main most obvious one being how much I missed my Mum.

I have been following some blogging drama recently, namely Rebecca's departure from Rock My Wedding. I was shocked and saddened by the news that she has moved on, I know RMW will continue to be amazing, and I know I will still be able to read Rebecca's writing because she has found her new blogging voice supported by my friends and fellow RMW followers over at Any Other Wedding, after reading Rebecca's farewell what saddened me more than anything was that things seemed to have gone a little cold between the team.

But then Facebook hasn't become what it is (ie the biggest social networking site in the universe) without it's fair share of friendship drama, these things do happen in life.

But then, it's like watching parents go through divorce (ok a little dramatic but you get my jist). You see that things have gone sour, but you're not sure why, and it makes you sad, and after seeing various comments made by followers and fellow bloggers on Facebook and Twitter I just want to put my fingers in my ears and sing 'LALALALALALALA' and remain oblivious to any drama people are creating.

So that is what I am going to do.

Remain oblivious.

Remain impartial.

Remain in my little bubble of Jennyness.

And continue to support all my lovely wedding blogger chums, and RMW by reading, by commenting in support, and by being inspired. 


Abi Lady HarHar said…
Well said Jenny :) Loved your wedding posts on RMW and as such have 'followed you' with the exciting news about your Baby and now your move. I'm a bit of 'blurker' to be honest, partly because my stooopid work computer doesnt let me comment on blogger! But anyway I digress - thanks for writing What Jenny did... which paved the way for the other real brides and thanks for writing this ;)
Rebecca Norris said…
This is such a lovely post Jenny :)

Thank you so much for being there from the beginning and all you did to help RMW become great. I loved having you around.

Lots of Love and see you at AOP!

Here here! A fabulous post Jenny :) xx
Bless you Jenny - I have never seen that pic! Why am I always the one with the goofy face :)

I think it's really sad that certain folk want to make a drama out of such a difficult situation for those involved, unfortunately that's what happens and we just have to deal with it, move on and continue to get on with what we love to do.

What Jenny Did was so many peoples favourite part of RMW ( yes the fancy lady from the BBC that I told you about.... remember?!) and of course we know why - you write from the heart.

You are both a lovely lady and a great friend Jen, looking forward to seeing you very soon xxx

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