The new adventure.

Not long after William was born, Mr O came home with news of a new job. 

In a new country.

So I thought to myself, blimey - this is something we've always wanted to do! 

But I had a newborn, so I would have agreed to anything in my sleep deprived condition!

As time went on, the wheels were set in motion. Contracts were agreed, relocation packages were offered, we moved house and started doing it up, and before we know it a start date has been mentioned and we are now all hands on deck trying to get everything finished and ship shape so we can rent out our new place, and get on that plane to Asia.

William is 4 and a half months old now, he'll be about 6 months when we leave.

It's exciting, I am excited beyond belief actually!

It's just hard taking William away from his Nanny and Grandad. And his Auntie Sarah and Uncle Bob. But I think he's so little he doesn't really understand, and we're going for a year, so when we come back he'll be young enough to form bonds quickly and easily.

So now I can tell you all about how sometimes things just seem as though they are meant to be. 

I've been asking my Mum to send me a sign, any sign, that moving to Hong Kong is the right thing to do. 

I went to my local coffee shop with William a few weeks back, treated myself to a frappacino thingy and fed him his bottle when a lady came over to me with her toddler, and told me her little boy just loves babies so we started chatting about motherhood (like you do). She asks me if I will have any more children to which I reply;
"Sure, I would have one now, but we're moving away so will have to wait until we are back in the UK"

She speaks with a french accent and tells me that she is from Paris, but lives in Hong Kong with her husband Matthew...

The profound words I manage to muster up went along the lines of

"oh Shut up! That's where we're moving to!"

She lives in Kowloon, which is where my Matt will be working.

It gave me goosebumps, I meet a strange lady in a coffee shop in a small town and we have striking similarities in our lives? 

Well I took that as a clear cut sign that this move is meant to be.

She gave me her email address and phone number, and told me to look her up when we arrive.

So I already have a friend in HK, how nice is that?


aby said…
Hey, Congratulations! This sounds like a wonderful adventure. I've followed you since your report on RMW, so excited to hear how you and your little family will get on as an expat. I'm from the UK, but currently living in Dubai. We said we'd only move for a year and been here 3! So see how you go. Good luck! :) xx
Gemma said…
Heya, these things do happen for a reason! What an awesome adventure the 3 of you are going to have, very jealous!
Jen Loves Joy said…
Hey Aby, how is life in Dubai? I think we'll love HK but can't commit to any longer than a year because you just don't know do you.... things might not work out and we'll come home but things might be fantastic and we'll stay longer. It's hard to say until we've given it a shot xx

Gemma! Just about to reply to your email now honey x
thebabywife said…
Oh it's all so terribly exciting. Of course you will have to blog every step of your adventure so we don't miss you too much! x
Lost in Love said…
Good luck with it all, HK is amazing and also only a flight home at the end of the day. A year ago (today actaully) we up't sticks and moved to Aussie land. We have had moments of homesickness (well people sickness - we don't miss the UK) but that is to be expected. I don't have a little one so I can't comment on that but even if you are home by Christmas at least you have given it a go. Good luck to the three of you! x x
Alex said…
Hi Jenny, I am another "what Jenny did", rock my wedding addict (I am one of the upcoming real brides eek!) and have found your blog through RMW.
I love popping by to see what you are up to (in a non stalker way) and can't believe you are moving to HK! I wish you all the very best, you and your beautiful family of course.
Oh and huge thanks, because of you I have tried bare escentuals and have found a new make up love! Thank you so much! Alex x
Sarah M said…
That's so exciting, J - and I'm so glad you have a new friend out there already!

I have some pals who live out there now (happy to put you in touch?) who went over for a year and have been there for 5 years now! They arranged a (UK) wedding from there and have their young son now too. They love it! Wishing you all the best x

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