
So our fridge is currently in our living room. As is the cutlery drawer. 

Mr O is frantically beavering away on our new home, and he is beavering away at work, and still managing to do his on the side Maintenance job and keep the gardening contract in our road. This makes for a very tired husband. He has also been offered a new job, of which he has accepted (yey!) so we have big plans ahead, and a very busy few months ahead of us trying to finish our little maisonette with a view to moving  away. This is something that excites me beyond belief - it means having my husband back and spending family time together at the weekends! 

Will post more about the move when I get a moment, I currently have a baby who has hit the dreaded 16 week growth spurt and he is Cranky, won't sleep, and wants to guzzle 8oz bottles of his yummy comfort milk. 

I really hope to be back on blogging form soon, when I get the chance to get on the laptop and find some inspiration to share with you!


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