17lb 3oz!

Got the wee man weighed last Wednesday ( a week ago), 17 lb 3 oz! My back is starting to complain with lugging him around but he's following the same line of growth since birth - so I am pleased as punch. My big hunky monkey.

He's just hit the dreaded 16 week growth spurt.... the boy won't sleep, and is guzzling the milk like you wouldn't beleive. What a savage! Still, this too shall pass...


Sarah M said…
He's an absolute cutie, Jenny! How old is he now? How are you coping with juggling a young son and work? Am always intrigued to hear about that (partly because I work from home with my own business and am terribly broody!).

P.S. I was the lady who inquired about your make up skills but it was only a few weeks after W was due. Being married is ace!
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thanks Sarah M! He is 16 weeks old, almost 4 months!

It's tricky but manageable, as long as you have support (ie babysitters) you should be fine!

Did I reply to you about your make up hon? I am so so sorry if I didn't! xx
Sarah M said…
Ahhhh, absolutely lovely! He looks like such a happy chap!

Yep, you replied (I was Sarah B then!) to say you wouldn't be able to do it which is completely understandable! Glad you're back doing it though, I love the pictures of your work.

S x
Jen Loves Joy said…
Oh Sarah, I remember now! You are down in Devon aren't you? How was the wedding?? May I see pics?? Are you on FB? So many questions?! x
Sarah M said…

We got married over in Henley, we had an absolute blast! It sounds daft but I didn't expect it to be so much fun! I've got a few pics on FB but we also have a slideshow that our photographers put together if you want to bore yourself silly for a few minutes?!

Jen Loves Joy said…
Sarah! Yes please! Send me the link, jenniferoatham@rocketmail.com

I can't wait x

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