Boobies. Part deux.

For those who remember this post and this post, I feel compelled to update the blog with how the breast feeding (or expressing even) is going.

In my 4th week of expressing (I think it's 4 weeks or so anyway). I was still only managing to express 3 oz in total, pumping 6 times a day.

It's a huge commitment.

This was as well as putting baby to the breast to let him suckle to increase my supply. Initially he loved going on the boob - i'm shocked he even remembered how to latch on! I'm even more shocked how it didn't hurt. My memory of putting William to the boob after 2 days of painful feeding after he was born has been restored with memory of enjoying feeding him myself, wishing he would do more than just snack on me, then get frustrated and shout for his bottle.

You'll note I am talking in past tense, I have decided to knock the expressing on the head now. He is ten weeks old and has a huge appetite, all I do during the day is express, bottle feed, and put him on the boob - for a boy who is so alert and playful I felt as though I was neglecting him somehow. (parenthood, a wealth of guilty feelings about absolutely everything!)

I feel wonderful for giving him my special milk, seeing him drain the breast milk bottles was the best feeling in the world. My work is done. 

I still look at breast feeding mummies, and feel a huge pang of jealousy. To me breast feeding is the most natural and beautiful thing in the world, and seeing your child thrive on milk you create for him must be a wonderful feeling. However it wasn't to be for William and I, and that is fine. I have a happy, content, clever little boy who I can honestly say I feel like I have given him the best start in life now.

And anyway..... there is always next time... **

**yes I have forgotten all about the long induction and labour and am pining for the next baby already. Can't be that bad if I want to do it all again!


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