
I increasingly find my shoulders are hunched up around my ears, then I have to tell myself to adjust my posture and relax - I wouldn't describe it as 'stress' because it isn't what I would call stress, but it's more I am trying to learn how to juggle all my jobs and do them well. I have my mummy hat on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week - the most rewarding job I have ever done and I love being a mother. I also am trying to be a good wife, trying to create a nice home, and trying to still be 'Jenny' whenever I get the chance. I haven't managed a single workout yet - and William is 10 weeks old now, I think a work out would make me feel a bit less frazzled. My idea of doing something special for myself every day is to walk to Sainsburys and buy myself some chocolate! Still I am trying to do something each day to make me feel like the old me. Whether this be just doing something good with my hair, or putting on some make up, it is so important to feel special and I feel better about my appearance with my make up on and my hair done. 

I think I need to do some meditation. This always helps!


Livy said…
As you should! So glad you are loving being a mummy and I think William is gorgeous and delicious!

Livy x

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