8 - 10 Weeks Old.

So we are sleeping through the night, it's official! Little Willy loves his sleep.

He is in his own bedroom at night, the first night Mr O camped down on the floor next to his cot to make sure he was ok - I slept with one eye open just in case.

Developmentally I am surprised at how quickly these baby things grow. 

He is laughing and smiling all the time, he loves swatting his hanging toys in his jungle gym, and my god does he love the sound of his own voice (and what a cute voice it is!)

He loves to sit up and gnaw on our fingers, drooling heavily he's a dribbly little sausage.

He loves it when Daddy O copies the noises he makes, and makes more noises for Daddy to copy.

He loves it when I sing 'You are my Sunshine' and he sings back to me in baby song. 

He is growing so fast, my big baby - he amazes me every day!


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