
Ok. So I wasn't going to diarise this in the form of my blog - but it's such a big deal and a rare thing in this country I thought I should write about it.

Breast feeding didn't work out for me. I feel so much pressure on me to explain why I stopped, every time I am asked if i am breastfeeding I feel i have to tell people why it didn't work out. But I shouldn't have to do that, and I shouldn't feel like that. I gave it my best shot, and for one reason or another, it didn't work.

Now William is 7 weeks old I feel mentally stronger than I did after giving birth, and after looking into relactation, or how to relactate, I starting expressing using my electric pump and made a call to my health visitor for support.

My milk didn't entirely dry up (I don't ever recall it actually 'coming in' either though!) so I was able to express a few drops. Literally, a few drops. Precious drops!

After speaking to my local breast feeding advisor, she gave me a ton of info and arranged a prescription of domperidone - to increase my milk supply. I have to pump every 2 hours if possible, and put William to my breast as that is the best thing to get my supply up. 

William has been latching on and this morning he suckled for quite a while - the only way I know for sure he was getting any milk was the fact he spewed on me whilst I was burping him. Bugger. 

It's hard work, you need support - how else will you get away with walking around with your baps out with either a large 7 week old or an electric pump attached to them?! 

If I can express enough to give him one boobie feed a day I will be happy.
The way I see it, I can only try. A very good friend told me 'Don't be afraid to fail because only through failure do you learn to succeed'.


Sarah said…
Well done you Keep at it and don't lose heart if it does not increase quickly (it took me up to a week to start increasing how much I was producing).
Jen Loves Joy said…
thank you - i normally have the will power of a loser, but I am determined this time. It helps to hear that others have done it - i've never heard anyone do it before and anyone i speak to knows someone who has managed it successfully - yay us!x
Esme said…
Best of luck Jenny! I think us women give ourselves (and each other) a bad time about breast feeding. My sister had an incredibly easy time of breast feeding and had very few problems, and she feels so lucky.

If you can do it, then great, but the most important thing is loving and providing for your baby. Right? x

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