Eating for two.

I am missing blogging so so so so so much! We don't have internet or a phone line in our new home at the moment, so I haven't been able to waste hour upon hour online and how I miss it!

I have been busy with the wee man, he is 8 weeks old now and has settled into a nice routine of sleeping through the night, napping during the day, and being very smiley and talkative. 

We have our 8 week check at the doctors next week, me for my postnatal check, and him for his jabs.... then once i have the all clear from the doc it's back to the gym for me! I didn't have a good body before pregnancy so you can only imagine the mess I have been left with. I didn't even 'eat for two', I seriously ate so healthily (apart from the odd crisp binge of course) because I knew it would be a b*stard to shift the weight afterwards. Grr. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be a fatty forever - but I would be lying if I said that a naive part of me thought the weight would just drop off. How silly of me!

The relactation is going so so well. I doubt very much William will go back on the boob exclusively - he likes his bottles too much as the flow is faster so he can gobble it down. He does like to snack on the boob though, which means he goes longer between feeds and has less formula and more breast milk. I am very happy with that! I am expressing a good amount for his bed time feed too, hopefully over the next few weeks we will drop another formula feed and supplement that with my boobie milk. My baps are now huge. I like this though. It is a commitment and hard work but worth it. I'll keep going and see how it goes but i do feel proud for coming this far! It's so lovely latching William on and seeing him feed, and not having those feelings I had when I breast fed him after he was born.... my god that first week really was horrific. 

Anyway I'll be back soon with more interesting news!




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