
We're in the middle of packing up our flat to move house, so it's mayhem. I can't sit down and put my feet up because i get 'the guilt' that I should be doing something. Even coming online here today I feel guilty because I should be packing up the kitchen. But with a new baby this is not easy! 
If i could, today i would be doing the following:
Eating salt and vinegar squares by the bucket load
Watching Labyrinth on dvd
snuggling with my little Willy in bed or on the sofa. 
Instead I am rushing around the flat like a crazy woman with William strapped to me in his baby bjorn, having banged my head once already getting the washing out of the washing machine and spilling a whole cup of (cold) coffee all over the carpet and Mr O's new laptop, whilst the cat has done a stinky poo in the litter box which needs sorting, bottles need making, laundry needs hanging, washing needs doing, bed needs making, boxes need packing, food needs buying as the cupboards are bare, and i haven't brushed my hair or teeth yet today so leaving the flat to do anything isn't likely, i also went to bed in my clip in hair extensions last night and have a banging headache - and my hair resembles a birds nest. I haven't even thought about having a shower - which i could really do with!
Who thought it would be a good idea to move house with a new baby? Two of the most stressful things you can do. And don't get me started on the financial strain...... 


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