
William is 3 weeks old tomorrow. 

I have been a mother for almost three weeks, it feels like he's always been here and I cannot imagine life without him.

Becoming a Mum knocks you for six. You have 40 weeks or so to grow the littlen, and prepare for motherhood but nothing prepares you. It's like any life changing event, you can read all the books you like, go to all the classes, and have as much counselling as possible but nothing prepares you for the way everything changes once you have your baby in your arms. It's the best feeling in the world!

The first week was a blur of being in hospital, and feeling sore, proud, tired, and fed up but deliriously happy.

The second week was a blur of visitors, feeling sore, proud and deliriously happy, but doubting my capabilities as a mother, questioning everything I did, everything the baby did, was it normal to feel this way? Overwhelming to say the least.

This third week things are starting to click into place. I am starting to really know our baby, and recognise his cries and demands. I feel like I am really starting to get there, he's a gorgeous boy I just gaze at him for hours marvelling at every little face he pulls, recognising myself and my husband in him. Adapting my life to his needs and watching him become more aware of his surroundings each day. I swear I even got a big smile from him yesterday when I was talking to him. It may be wind but I am convinced it was a special smile, just for me. 

The hormones are dying down now, and I feel more like the old me. I can walk normally without waddling with a sore pelvis, I can sleep on my front and I can actually get comfortable in bed - which has resulted in the best nights sleep since last October!

Don't get me wrong I am still rather emotional.... I only have to look at my two boys together and I feel overwhelmed. I have everything I ever wished for after all! 

I love being a Mummy, it's the toughest job in the world and every day there are new challenges but it's the best job in the world. I love my William and I love my Mr O.


liz snape said…
congratulations jen! He is so beautiful. i am so happy for you and i love that i can feel your happiness dancing off the page!
Gemma said…

So many congrats again, he really is too cute - in the John Mold pics you can really see Mr O in him!

Just wanted to say thanks again for your beautiful & honest posts, I'm 35 weeks today and its starting to get a bit scary...the blog is helping a lot.
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thank you Liz! x

Gemma it's nearly time for you! Don't be scared, it's the most wonderful experience you will ever have. Please let me know how you get on? xx
Gemma said…
Of course :-) aslong as you keep the posts coming!!
Lost in Love said…
What is the poor chap sitting in?? Is that a measuring jug? Too cute x x
Stefania said…
Congratualtions! He is so cute! Love the pic in the bowl!

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