5 Weeks Old.

I've been watching videos of when we first brought the baby home, my god he was so small compared to how big he is now! I could hazard a guess that he weighs almost 12lb and he has totally outgrown his newborn clothes, and fills his 0-3month clothes. 

I love watching him grow and learn each day.

Today he smiled at himself in the mirror, it lit up his whole face. I haven't been able to catch that smile on camera yet but one day I will. 

He follows us around the room with his eyes, and loves watching his Daddy. I just know William is watching his daddy and will want to copy him one day. They will be like two peas in a pod the pair of them. It's so lovely.

His favourite 'Superman' pose

The time is flying by.


Big Gem said…
OMG he is just the Cutest most handsome little man!! Changed so much since the first pics you posted.
3 weeks to go for me and little jellybean is breech!! Off to see the consultant tomorrow....
Mum's Pickle said…
He is so handsome! I love his beautiful eyes. xx
Inga K said…
Hi Jenny, lovely to read your updates on being a mummy, William is growing lots and he looks gorgeous. I have just over 5 weeks to go until my due date, super excited but nervous too, can't wait to meet Baby K!! I'll keep checking back to see how you're doing, lovely to read what you've been up to week by week with him. x

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