2 Weeks old.

Where has the time gone?

I have made it through my first week at home alone with William, while Mr O goes to work and keeps a roof over our heads :o)

We still have no routine as such, but he feeds every 2 to 4 hours, and loves his sleep! 

I have lost 2 stone, only about another stone to go before I am back at my Wedding day weight. I haven't purposefully lost the weight, it just comes off thank goodness. I was huge. 

I'm enjoying sleeping on my tummy and my back, and snuggling with William and Mr O in the mornings. I am still not dressed and the wee man will be awake soon for a feed so I had better get my backside into gear! 


thebabywife said…
He is beyond gorgeous and you are just glowing my lovely xxx
Roz said…
William is just gorgeous! Loving your posts about being a new mum, can't wait to hear more xx
Bex said…
I just want to squish him! (Not literally of course!) He's just soooo cute!

I love how despite being a brand new Mum to a 2 week old, your eyelashes are still preened to perfection! :)

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