Out of sorts.

Feel nervous today.

I think I am over tired, probably just over tired.

I miss my Mum, as the time draws closer for us to have the baby I notice more than ever that she isn't here. I would want her there with me and Matt. She wouldn't be overbearing or in the way but just having her support would be special. She would have been a great support to Matt too - she loved my Mr O and would have been so proud of him.
She was there with my Sister when she had her first baby - I think it only happened because my sisters husband was a little intoxicated! But even so, she was there and Mum always said what a special bond her, my sister, and my nephew had because she got to share in such a life changing moment. 

I dunno, I suppose it is natural to feel these feelings at such a time in my life. I am about to become a Mother afterall.

I think I am going to have a cup of tea and a chocolate biscuit, that always helps.


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