Knees and feet.

I just thought I should update - that I have absolutely nowt to update. 

I'm sure you aren't interested in my puffy fingers, that now resemble little sausages. 

And there's only so much I can complain about my painful hips.

And I suppose I don't need to tell you all how much I am pining for my baby. I just want to meet my baby now. I've bonded with it's knees and feet (which are constantly sticking out the side of my big ol belly) and I've startled it a few times with some extra loud 'accidental' trumping. (come on i'm pregnant i can't help these things)

Mr O has popped out to pick us up a lovely chicken shish kebab, and I shall be having a small glass of red wine tonight (oooh contraversial - pregnant woman drinks alcohol shock horror) to see if I can relax enough to actually get some sleep and quality time with my duvet.

I hope the next time you hear from me, we will have news of some sort... so watch this space.....

Sending love x


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