Bare Minerals Make Up.

Right ladies - about time I sat down and did a quick Bare Minerals make up tutorial!

Containing two foundations to either be mixed or applied according to the season, an All Over Face Colour in Warmth and a Mineral Veil along with brushes and an application DVD the bareMinerals Starter Kits is the ideal start to learning how to use this product.

You can buy the Bare Minerals Starter Kit from Debenhams - for about £40.00 and you get the following:

So first things first - here I am as a scary mary. No make up. Aaargh! Excuse the untinted brows and cracked lips. I really am a sight for sore eyes.

First start with your base - I am using Fairly Light, and I start using my concealer brush to apply the base around my eyes, nose, chin, and to cover any blemishes or spots. Swirl and buff the product on.

For the first time in about a year - I don't have any spots, however I have severe pregnancy insomnia so my dark circles are a bit of a sod to cover up!

Then I use the large buffing brush to apply the base to my whole face. Swirl the product onto the brush, tap off the residue, and buff onto the face in circular motions.

Use about this much product, you can build up layers!

Then you can reapply more of the product with your concealer brush if need be - to those problematic areas. 

Make sure you cover all around the eye area, underneath the lash line. It makes such a difference!

Next you apply the Warmth. ONLY USE A VERY SMALL AMOUNT - again you can build layers. You apply this in the same way you would bronzer - either to contour the cheek bones, across the nose and brow - or all over. Up to you, practice makes perfect with this product. 

Finally, you finish the base with your Mineral Veil. 
This is much finer than the foundation - it sets the face perfectly.

And here you have your base.

Now I've followed a tutorial by Charlotte and Melissa at Rock My Wedding - and voila! Bang on trend make up, lovely greens and pinks, perfect for Spring time. 

For the rest of my face I used:

Clinique eyeshadow in sparkling sage and choco-latte (which is a creamy base to apply on top of)

Rimmel Glam Eyes liquid liner in black

Mac Blushcreme in Ladyblush

Mac Lipglass in Dazzle

Clinique High Impact Mascara in Black.

Once you have mastered the Bare Minerals application it takes no time to put it on, I would recommend practising though! The coverage is amazing and I still receive compliments whenever people see our wedding photo's at how porcelain and smooth my skin looks. I was peppered in spots too and you couldn't see them. Oh how pregnancy hormones like to make life difficult!

I have another make up tutorial in the pipe line - for ladies with a darker skin tone! I don't know if I will get this done before the baby is born as Make up has taken a bit of a side line for the time being. But once baby is here and we are all settled watch this space! I have bookings galore and tons of ideas up my sleeve. 

Thank you for bearing with me, 

Much love


Jessie said…
YAY!!! I am so excited that you did this - bless you as you must be so tired. I am going to get some at last and start practicing. I remember you saying that you ordered your mineral makeup online - is this off the Debenhams website?
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thanks Jessie!

Can you beleive Mr O - he takes one look at my blog and announces "blimey Jen, you're brave putting a photo like that up!" (referring to the one of me with no make up on!) cheeky bugger. I don't care! Just goes to show you the wonders of make up doesn't it!

I got mine from ebay - but I didnt' save the seller unfortunately so I can't remember which seller it was. I would say get it from Debenhams though. x
Jessie said…
Ah men - you gotta love them!

I decided that due to getting married in a field I didn't necessarily want a floor length wedding dress. So I thought I would run the idea of a tea length dress past Mr D to prevent any wedding day shocks (he's a little more traditional on these things!).

I may have used the phrase "what do you think about the idea of me wearing a shorter wedding dress?" Cue usual expression of confusion. So I began to explain what tea length was...

"Oh Phew!" he says. "Because you've got legs but Jess, you ain't got LEGS if you know what I mean". Pfft - yes, thank you, I think I'd worked that one out without your insight!!

I was just wondering - in your box image it has a primer. Do you use this only I see that the skin starter kit available on Debenhams doesn't have one. If you hadn't guessed I am a total 'foundation' rookie! So thank you!! x
Jen Loves Joy said…
Men have such ways with words don't they the turds :o)

Yes it comes with a small sachet of primer, which is exactly the same as the smash box photo finish primer I use - sorry I forgot to mention about the primer I knew I had forgotten something! The sachet is small but it should see you through a few applications. Let me know how you get on - i've never heard anyone say they don't love this stuff, it's THAT good x
Jessie said…
I've just ordered it!! Yippee!
Stefania said…
I love the result! I'm so bad with make up, I should try your tutorial!

Ps. Love your pics with growing bump!

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