
The limitations of living in a heavily pregnant body.

You can't sleep on your back. 
You can't sleep full stop.

Your hips crack and hurt when you turn from laying on one side to the other
You get out of breath and your heart races from the effort of turning yourself over in bed
No amount of pregnancy cushions will make you feel comfortable they only restrict how much room you have, and give you the hump.

Your restless legs mean you have to get up and walk around in the middle of the night to stop them from hurting.
You have to get up to pee anyway so might as well stretch your legs whilst you're up.

When you need to poop, you need to poop straight away there's no hanging about.

No amount of promising yourself you won't become a hairy mary 'down below' works, eventually you will become a hairy mary down below. It becomes a military operation to remove said hair.

Your toe nails become claw like and scratchy unless you get someone to give you a pedicure regularly

Your baby will kick and wriggle and poke you all night long, then when you think you can sleep it gets hiccups.

You adopt a new walk. And there's nothing you can do about it. 

You will trump, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You ache everywhere, and there is nothing you can do about it.

You will drink milk by the gallon to get rid of your incredible heart burn.

People will scare you with stories of piles. I am scared stiff about piles. 

You will find that you are quite open about talking about pooping and trumping and all the other little niggles that come with pregnancy (see above)

(yes I am feeling rather tired and fed up this morning hence the whinge)


thebabywife said…
That wasn't a whinge, just an honest account of the joys and loss of dignity that come with pregnancy! Loved your last post too - made me cry a little! xxx

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