
She's the bestest friend a pregnant woman could ask for - well almost. If she were able to fetch me ice cream and rub my back she would be the bestest friend a pregnant woman could ask for!

She always says hello when she enters a room, and she isn't an overly vocal kitty so I know the little she does say is meaningful

She follows me around where ever I am, and rather than sit on my ever decreasing lap (due to baby bump) she curls up next to me and generally looks very cute and peaceful.

Her favourite toy is my knitting needle. She just loves pouncing on it and tries to carry it off in her mouth (much like a dog with a very large log)

She's borderline retarded (I swear). I have lost count of the amount of times she has one of her 'mad half hours' and has run full pelt into one of my legs/the table/a cupboard. Probably a good thing that we live in a flat and she doesn't get out much. Imagine the carnage?

I do love my chunky little Molly.


Roz said…
I have to confess I'm a dog person...but Molly could convert me! xx
thebabywife said…
Aah bless. I'm a bit worried about my two when I get pregnant. If I'm poorly enough to be at home, they are like two furry limpets who don't leave my side. I can see them coming to work with me during pregnancy! Molly is so sweet x

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