Baby bird.

Dear Baby O,

Mummy and Daddy are so ready for you to come into the world now, waiting for you as patiently as we can full of excitement and wonder! It feels like we have been waiting a very long time for you to come into our lives, every day we tell you how much we love you and cannot wait to meet you. We dream of what name to give you, and who you will take after. We love to watch you have hiccups after wriggling around in my tummy and stretching, and we love to look at your scan picture at your cute little face and wonder what you will look like in real life. 
We dream about playing in the park with you when you are older, and reading you stories at bed time, and we even think about what you will be when you grow up, a Doctor or a skilled carpenter, a talented dancer or an artist. As long as you are happy then we are happy and we will always support you through life and try and guide you in the right direction for you. No doubt we will make mistakes along the way, but that's what parents do, what matters most is that Mummy and Daddy love you, and we love each other and we will always be together, all three of us. One day you will have a sibling to play with and our family will be complete, and we will take holidays together and go camping, and show you the world. 
Mummy and Daddy will embarrass you with our singing and our dancing (well, Daddy will embarrass you with his singing and dancing) but you will always feel loved and protected and we cannot wait to have you and see you grow into your own personality and watch your character develop.

Whenever you are ready to come into the world we are waiting for you, with a lovely home and an abundance of love

Mummy and Daddy 


Mrs F (nee NYE Bride) said…
That just made me cry at my desk - one of the most wonderful letters I have ever read - Baby O is going to be a lucky baby! xxx
Sophie said…
ahh that's so lovely sweetie. I bet that baby O can't wait to meet you both either. xxx
Gemma said…
Beautiful letter Jen!

Hope you coping ok with the massive bump! I have just hit week 27 and have had neart burn ALL DAY...makes for one grumpy Gemma!

I wish I was as good with words as you, the letter is really lovely, something for Baby O to cherish in the years to come without a doubt.
Sarah B said…
Can you adopt me too, please?!

Hurry up, Baby O!


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