34 Weeks.

Slightly unnerving midwife appointment last night. 

I am measuring 37 weeks pregnant, and baby is still extended leg (Frank) breech so I am going to be referred to the hospital for monitoring. This isn't unusual many women who are measuring big or small for their dates are referred and generally given a growth scan to see what's going on. There could be many reasons that baby is sitting so high, it doesn't just mean that baby is huge. Although I suspect the baby is huge.

C section was discussed yet again, and although there is still a few weeks for baby to turn, there is very little room in there for baby to move so the chance it turns is slim. Although she did say if it turns, I will know about it because the pelvis and legs are fully extended, and it has a whole 180 degrees to turn so it won't be a case of 'ooh I think the baby just turned' it will probably be 'holy mother of god the baby just turned!'.

Cue feelings of worry and anxiety about the baby. 

You can't stop these feelings it's all part of becoming a Mama I suppose.

I will happily go through a dreaded C section so that baby can come into the world. Being a parent means you would die for your children, so a C section is nothing in the greater scheme of things! 

It also means meeting baby a little sooner than expected too, which isn't a bad thing!


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