
So obviously I am ALL about the baby at the moment.

I wake up being kicked and have to give the belly a rub to let baby know I am there

I am constantly aware of the huge lump sitting out the front of me and try as I might my body has limitations now, I simply cannot do the things I used to be able to. Jaysus even rolling over in bed has me out of breath!

I'm not sure but I think baby has moved from being extended leg breech,

 to transverse (as in it's lying at an angle across me). 

This means baby is still in the wrong position, and I have given it a talking to and we've agreed that if baby does it's job then I can do mine and we'll all be happy campers!

So obviously now I am a lady of leisure I am preparing for birth and baby. This means scaring the bejesus out of myself watching birthing clips on antenatal websites. 

This also includes obsessing over the nursery. It's coming along, almost finished! I just sit in there quietly on my own and enjoy the silence. Pondering what life will be like when our little bundle of love arrives.

Ok so this isn't actually our nursery, just one I am inspired by


..:.lab.:.. said…
That is a nice nursery! I have been unsuccesfully looking for inspiration online today whilst Mr is upstairs painting it. Do you have any links? Ours is looking a little too sparkly white at the minute!

Oh and on the breech/tranverse thing our NCT lady gave us this link which might be handy?

Good luck x
Jen Loves Joy said…
This site is great for inspiration - I am an owl obsessed Mama at the moment so literally searched for 'owl' and the rooms that came up were just gorgeous!

Thank you for the spinning babies, I have been following the advice on the website about turning baby... and hanging upside down off the sofa all week! :o)

Hope you find some inspiration for your nursery xx
..:.lab.:.. said…
Thanks Jennifer, I will check the website out. Later I discovered a few more sites (thanks to twitter!) and are worth looking at. Hanging from the sofa certainly sounds interesting! x

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