
I'm blessed with friends who are an extension of my family.

Not many people can say that about their friends. But I have a good solid handful of people who I consider my family. These friendships don't take hard work, they're easy, and they work well for all of us. I feel lifted whenever I see or speak to them, we never argue or fall out as our friendships are true, and I always know we will be in each others lives no matter the distance between us. 

I feel happy when they achieve something they have had their heart set on. I feel sad whenever something makes them sad, and I feel protective when someone hurts them. These friends aren't aggressive, or bitter people, they are grounded and loving. 

I'm not naive enough to think that every friendship I form will result in a long lasting relationship of compatibility, but I do think that sometimes you just don't gel with people in life, and that's just the way it is. You learn from the experience, and you move on. I'm civil to those who are civil back, if they are rude to me I raise my eyebrows and then don't bother myself with the ins and outs of their lives. 

I was let down by someone I considered a good friend at my wedding. I'm not sure what happened, or why it happened, I was baffled by it. 

When I explained the situation to my nearest and dearest, they too were baffled. It made no sense at all.

My wedding day was the happiest day of my life, tinged with a bitter sweet feeling of sadness that Mum wasn't there but still, it was the best day of my life. 

How could someone I respected so much let me down like that? I put so much time and effort into including this person, and her parents, into our day - stressing over seating plans to ensure I had them on the family tables, because i considered them to be like family to me. And I ended up having three empty seats. 

Three empty seats at the wedding we'd been planning for 18 months. Meticulously making sure that every guest felt special, and that all food and drink would be taken care of for them. I didn't hear from them on the day. I didn't receive a card, a note, a text, a phone call, a message, nothing. 

And I haven't heard anything since. 

It baffled me that I had done something wrong perhaps, but what? 

And then there was the guest who didn't even come and say hello to me, let alone congratulate me on the fact we had just got married and were pregnant. Why was this person at my wedding, they clearly had issues with being there. This was the guest who blanked my nearest and dearest too, a little rude perhaps but this person is notorious for being off with people, and we've all had a little laugh about it - was someone a little jealous perhaps...?

You learn a lot about yourself and others at key times in your life. I'm placid and form bonds quickly with people - the people I choose to surround myself with are testament to the sort of person I am. 

I am so lucky to have such amazing people in my life, to have the network of friends around me who mean to much to me. 

The others? Well I don't care much for people like that, but I wish them well in life, I really do. 


thebabywife said…
People are strange sometimes, and engagements, wedding and babies seem to bring the worst out in them. I can't believe your friend (and her parents) thought their behaviour was acceptable....I could never do that to someone who was my friend.

But it does show who your true friends are, and makes you appreciate them even more

Sarah B said…
Boo to them, Jenny. They will miss out on more than you will.

A very well written piece. Your friends are lucky to have you - from the way you speak about them, you all feel as equally lucky, and that is a lovely thing to see.
hayley said…
i know what this feels like.

somehow i stumbled here after looking at wedding stuff...

i dont get why there has to be people who put a dampner on a happy time. i dont get why there has to be people who change. who once were your best friends but who wont be at your wedding and you know deep down inside its because of them. you have something they want and they cant get over it. i just dont get it. everyone has something someone else has got and everyone gets jealous. but then its entertaining this and actually putting it to act in your life. cant you just say "oh im so jealous!" and move on. whats the point in playing games or giving up on friendships out of envy? its so sad. i miss some friendships so much and i still think about them even though I know they are long over. like "what did i do wrong?" when you know its about them but you miss what you used to have so much and you cant help think about them as you thought they would be a part of special life stuff with you always...

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