
I've been browsing Etsy, like you do, and found some bags which can double up as a nappy bag for baby bits.

But I'm wondering, how practical are bags like this, really? 

What I mean is, when I am strutting the streets of the Shire with my funky purple pram, and i've got one of these beauties dangling off the handle (see below), am I going to get some reet funny looks from other mummys??

Thoughts please.

From here

From here
From here


Big Gem! said…
OMG, you have to have a yummy bag!
I am also getting fed up with people (the boy included) thinking that my sense of style and generally, my sense of ME has to go just because I'm going to be a Mum.

So I have decided to say who cares what all the other mummies think, I'm gonna stick to my guns...and that mean if the jellybean turns out to be a girl - NO PINK, I don't like it so she's not wearing it ;-)

So order yourself a funky bag and ROCK IT.
(rant over...sorry!)
Jen Loves Joy said…
Thanks Gem, I think i'm gonna pick my fave and order it right away!

Also with you on the pink - I never wore pink as a littlen either, ok so it was the early 80's so I was predominantly head to toe tartan (not sure why!)
Sophie said…
Who cares what the other mums think, you'll be the coolest cat in town! x

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