Peony, Poppy, Lily, and Barbara

20 Days until we find out the sex of our beautiful little miracle...!

We politely asked our sonographer if she minded writing down on a piece of paper what the gender of the baby is at our 20 week scan, and she happily obliged! Matt gave her a note with 'You're having a .....' and an envelope with 'Matt & Jen' on the front, of which she filled in the note and sealed the envelope and stapled it shut so that we couldn't peek at what she'd written! (I actually would have addressed the envelope to 'Mummy and Daddy' myself!)

I promptly went out and bought some wrapping paper and our little parcel of joy is sitting waiting to be placed under the tree Christmas Eve, for us to open Christmas morning. 

I can't think of a better present to open together! 

Not peeking has not been easy though. Our 20 week scan was 5 weeks ago now.... 5 loooong weeks!

I have a feeling it is a girl, a strong feeling but we shall see!


Anonymous said…
what an amazing idea xx
Sophie said…
Ahh its so exciting! bring on Christmas day for the both of you :-)
thebabywife said…
So, so very exciting! When you will be updating here? Eeek!! xxx
I just think this is the most lovely idea ever! Cant wait to check back and see what you are having!
Rachie xo

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